Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus
Jouw persoonlijke Office, altijd up-to-date. Thuis of onderweg.
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- Microsoft Word 2021
- Microsoft Excel 2021
- Microsoft OneNote 2021
- Microsoft Outlook 2021
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2021
- Skype for Business
- Visio Professional 2021
- Project Professional 2021
- OneDrive for Business
- Publisher Professional 2021

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Nick –
For those that are concerned, yes you are required to use a Microsoft account to download and activate this software. However, after you activate the installation, you can simply “sign out”.Other than the annoyance of requiring an account to download the “offline installer” that still requires an account, I have no complaints.
Patricia Ludwig –
No issues with Degitore purchase but install hung on first and second phases. Finally got it installed but not after running as administrator and compatibility mode changed to windows 8. Then still not sure how it got completed! Activation was difficult. They keep trying to get you to install office 365 instead of office 2021. Finally got it activated but it was painful.
Yustducky –
I originally purchased this product directly from Microsoft. I had one of their techs help me with the install, but was told the 365 version only works with Windows 11. I just purchased this computer and it was Windows 10. They did give me a refund. The next day I decided to upgrade to Windows 11. When I saw this Office program cheaper on Degitore, I decided to give it a try. Wow, I’m really glad I did. Turns out I didn’t need help installing. The instructions were very clear (if I can follow them, anyone can). I love Microsoft Word and Excel programs and feel that my new computer is now complete with both of them installed.
budditha jeewan –
Purchased replacing my original microsoft office 365 Subscription.Completely uninstalled my previous version.Hazle free installation.Value for money.
Deerfield Brent –
When the highly touted transfer program failed to transfer my Office suite to new pc had to buy new program. Hate subscriptions and only use word and excel so this was only choice. Install was easy but scary since no return no refund if it failed. The whole Microsoft experience is unpleasant. Sign up for unlimited subscriptions or buy in the dark with no recourse if it doesn’t work. First thing that happens is unlimited adds for MS products, demands to upgrade to 365, and changes to start menu to launch MS Teams. I like using office. I hate having anything to do with Microsoft. I feel abused and would use any other option if available.
Renee –
Easy to install, works great.
Barbara S. –
I tried installing it several times, each time the same thing occurred, one minute left and never finishing. I was at it for hours.I have a Mac OS, running Catalina 10.5.7 (not my choice–my friends machine).For this stand alone version, it said 10.5 was OK.But if that means ONLY 10.5 and not any of the updates, then it’s my fault except for the lack of clarity in the system requirement description.I googled this problem and one comment said to check to see if the install completed anyway and the apps were useable. The first time it failed they didn’t install. The second time I had ONLY the install working and cleaned up the hard drive and the memory. I thought it failed but tried the apps this morning and they worked. A big pain but cheaper in the long run than Word 365
Mich –
Helpful for many student and personal needs.
Young S –
But i really dont like the onedrive integration. It seems it automatically save my document online when i dont want that. Why would i want to submit my doc to microsoft? The file is only like less than a megabyte. This onedrive obssesion by microsoft has to stop. It is violation of privacy in my opinion.
road biker –
Easy to install
The download instructions were pretty unclear. You eventually get sent an email with a download link where you can go and install the software. Once you get the email, you’ll be good to go. Until then, nowhere does it say that you will be waiting for one.
Joyce I. Halpin –
I had no issue installing the program, just follow the directions.
Viking7 –
Don’t be fooled, MS is back to pushing extra software upon install even if you think you’re buying the three office apps. You won’t just get the three apps, you’ll get cloud, teams and more installed automatically. Spend the time to learn about privacy settings and forced cloud storage “as a benefit”
OceanRed –
Product as advertised. No issues with the installation process on an Apple desktop. You will need to have a Microsoft account to install, as the link through Degitore goes through Microsoft.
candace a lewis –
Crissy –
Purchase and installation were simple.
Phew. Works! My old office expired and I didn’t want to have a subscription version so we uninstalled the old and bought this. Was a bit apprehensive- but works well and is an official licensed product.
Deborah –
It downloaded quickly but then insisted I had “No License”. After 6 hours online with the support, I was told that I needed to upgrade my operating system. Fine, but I can’t load 10.15’s most recent upgrade until 10.15 is loaded. OSCatalina 10.15 is no longer on the Apple site for download. Kudos to Microsoft’s support team. Next week, “Harvey” will be working with me again to get Office operational, after I pay the Mac folks to upgrade my OS, another $95 dollars. Can some tech developer please create a simple system and software for us “normal” folks?
SusanH –
Works great and easy to install on a four-year-old HP All-In-One Desktop with Windows 10. Best price I could find online.
H. Rasheed –
Quick download. Only one device (didn’t like that). Make sure its the computer you permanently want to install it on.
markl_me –
I do rely on Excel, Word and Powerpoint and they perform as expected, but boy, the purchase, download and install process was VERY misleading. All along the way I felt like I was buying the dreaded, not-wanted Office 365 subscription software and had to keep reassuring myself that I purchased the correct standalone bundle. There were several opportunities to opt into Office 365, One Drive and other stuff I didn’t want. In fact, you’re FORCED to create a Microsoft account during the process (because it gratuitously includes One Drive). Solution is to immediately log out of One Drive upon launching the first app. Congratulations Microsoft – you win the slimeware award of 2021!Update 12/7/21I read all the negative reviews about how this product doesn’t work, or that it keeps asking for activation etc. I do not have these problem so I’ll add details of where/how I installed. I used to use MS Office 2008 for Mac on an early 2011 MacBook Pro. I recently bought to a new MacBook Pro M1 Pro and used Migration Assistant to port all my user data from a Time Machine backup to the new laptop. Before purchasing and installing MS Office 2021 for Mac, I used the free AppCleaner app to remove all vestiges of the old MS Office 2008 for Mac. Also, for those frustrated with Office apps saving to OneDrive instead of your local drive, look in the menus (I think under File, but it may be elsewhere) for the menu item “Log Out of OneDrive”. Click on it to sever that connection; now your file saved files will be to your local drive.
Linda Mayfield –
Setup is not user friendly.
Kindle Customer –
This is great value for money for getting Office onto a PC without all the endless annual subscription nonsense. I bought a couple of codes for some home computers. Downloading and installing Office from the provided email inks was easy. The license / activation code was also sent by email through Amazon.One of the activation codes failed to work and 7ten were quick and helpful in getting me another that did. Good service. If this happens to you, uninstall and re-install Office so you can re-enter the activation code.
RockvilleMMF –
If you want the Microsoft Office product you have to either get this one-time package, or you pay the annual subscription which provides with all the new updates. Until now, I have for several decades used Office through my employer, and never really noticed that much improvement with each update. If I feel the urge to get a newer version 4 or 5 years from now, I’ll just buy it when that need arises.
Hank Bertsch –
It is a convoluted situation that led to this purchase. I was notified by Intuit that I would need to move from Mojave to Catalina in order to run TurboTax 2021. When I upgraded to Catalina I was notified MS Office Home & Student 2011 would not run on Catalina which led to this purchase. When I installed 2021 I was then prompted to activate it by activating one of the programs in it. When I tried to activate Excel I was directed to the App Store and directed to 365 which is MS Office tied to a subscription. I had been warned about 365 and did not want it. Because I tried and failed to activate Excel, it along with Word and Power Point were blocked with a circle with a slash. At this point I cannot use MS Office Home & Student 2021 on my iMac so I had to take it to my local computer shop and have it fixed. $85.00 later I have my iMac back and MS Office Home and Student 2021 appears to be working fine with just enough changes from 2011 to cause some confusion. One thing that is really annoying is the changes made to the tints of the colors used to highlight. I maintain several databases in Excel and now I have different shades of green in cells. None of the new shades of green match the old one. Yikes! I have a choice of either accepting multiple tints in my spreadsheets, with some from 2011 and some from 2021, or going back and changing the tints, cell by cell, from the 2011 version to the 2021 version. Bert Lance, formerly of the Carter Administration had a favorite expression “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. I have only had MS Office Home & Student 2021 for a few days and there may be more surprises coming in the future.BTW Amazon’s Customer Service rep tried to help in that tempt to activate the software but was unable to do so. She gave me a toll free # for tech support at Microsoft. I challenge anyone to reach a human being at that #. Everything was voice response and not helpful. Eventually I was directed to a URL that was supposed to be a tech problem solver. When I found the solution to my problem I printed a hard copy and tried the suggested solution. When the solution did not work I was off to the computer repair shop. Enough for now!
MF –
Received and installed with no problem at allSo far working fine
Kindle Customer –
I was able to install this, however, for those without computer experience, it could be challenging. I love the fact that I will not have to renew my subscription every year.
I was a little hesitant to purchase this item based on all of the negative reviews. I recently purchased a new iMac to replace my 15 year old iMac. I have a large number of Microsoft files saved so I really needed this software. From the time I placed the order until the time the software was on my machine it was less than 15 minutes. It could have even been quicker if it was the only thing I was doing at the time. Once the software was on my machine it worked like a charm. I was able to access the all of files I transferred from my old iMac without any problems.
Dinah –
I purchased the one-time price version of Word so I wouldn’t have to keep paying each year. I missed having it. I had a similar program on my computer and tried very hard for a couple years to make it work. It just wasn’t as good as Word. I am more comfortable using Word, familiar with it. I wish it didn’t cost as much as it did, but I am still very glad to have it.
Starpatsky –
This doesn’t have all the features of the subscription, but it has exactly what I need, WORD an EXCEL. You don’t have to buy every year.
Olanrewaju –
The product arrived via royal mail as scheduled. It had a one-page guide where I downloaded the software (from office CDN) and activated it successfully.
B Louis –
I installed the 2021 Home & Student software with no problems.I went to the “Office” icon and clicked. I was instructed to sign on to the Microsoft website and when I tried to access Office, I was rejected. Since there are no options to get a refund my blood pressure soared.Then I went to the start menu on my laptop PC and found that Word, Excel and Powerpoint (also OneNote which I despise as it is online with no privacy) are listed in the start menu separate from the Office icon. I clicked on the three useful icons and the apps worked.The reason this product does not get five stars is that, as far as I can tell, there is no way to have auto save working unless you agree to have storage on the web (as well as on the PC?). I don’t need my files sitting on the web to be hacked some day.
Colleen OBrien –
I had just purchased an MacBook on the Amazon renewal site and needed to get Microsoft Office but didn’t want to pay a monthly fee. I was hesitant based on some of the reviews. And based on that info I made sure there were no other versions of Microsoft on the computer and also made sure that the latest software was installed in the computer. Once I bought it, I was sent an email with the link and it directed me to to Microsoft website, I had to set up a profile (save your info!) and they send you an email to verify and a text also to verify that they have the correct info. You choose the drive to download the file to and within about 10-15 minutes it was installed. I had no problems just have to follow the instructions.
Richard Geiser –
Easy to download.
nifirtari –
I am not able to activate it and Microsoft is unable to assist
Bcleeve –
Arrived on time. Installed cleanly after I removed all trace of existing Office applications inc. 365.Happy to fully recommend
Alistair Davies –
Instructions received by signed-for post the next day. Clear instructions and installed and activated without any problems.
Bufus Bufus –
Only for Windows 10/11 as stated. Easy download but it is quite big so make a cup of tea while you wait. Product key worked exactly as it should. A bargain
Kindle Customer –
I bought this and received the code in the mail, it was genuine and I was able to download the product from Microsoft. So far have only used Word but seems to be fine. A very reasonable price.
Khoi Nguyen-Davis –
I didn’t want to pay for monthly subscription for MS product although I knew I’d probably get the constant new updates if I were to do so. But I wasn’t a business owner or some high-level instructor that would need all the fancy dandy MS programs. I literally needed MS word, excel, and perhaps PowerPoint.With this product, I purchased it for my iMac. You need to register for this product on the internet web browser first on MS website. Then, the program will automatically launch and download the the apps for your iMac.I made the mistake of downloading the apps first and then it turns out the apps on the apple apps store weren’t even compatible with the 2021 program. Don’t waste your time like I did. Just go on that website and follow direction. After that, you will launch the download program, and everything will automatically load for you on your Mac computer.This program comes with MS word, excel, power point, one note, and one drive. These are your very basic programs when it’s only you using for simple stuff or your child needs to use to finish up his or her school work. No, you don’t need to prove that you’re a student or anything in order to purchase this program.I simply enjoy it because it’s one-time purchase, and I’m done. I am not into monthly or yearly subscription when I am not running an office at my house!
P. Atkin –
Easy to install, works great.
Steve Perkins –
Granny B –
I purchased Microsoft Office program for download to my computer. I prefer to keep my programs and files on my own computer, not in the cloud. Unfortunately, my computer was hit by a power surge when lightening struck close to the house. It fried my computer and I had to get a new one. Unfortunately, my backups would not restore to the new computer so I’m unable to reload this program which I’ve only used for a few months. I’m unable to download a copy from Amazon because of the one time rule. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can get another download, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you!
Hayanti –
delighted with this. the instructions from the seller were spot on, everything worked as expected and superfast
Anon –
Arrived by post day after purchase, registered with MS without issue.
tommy26 –
No problems at all with my intel imac. Full function and no glitches so far. Better than the web based version.
Educator’s Comment –
I needed to update my 2016 Office software. I like the product. Amazon made it easy to buy and download into my software library. I wrote down/copied the Product Key lengthy number from my original Amazon Prime account. If you need to talk with Microsoft for support, they may ask you to provide. My Office runs great and I am satisfied.
Zbigniew –
I don’t like the fact that I had to install it when I upgraded my Mac OS system. I like the fact that this software is available and I don’t have to purchase yearly subscription for Office 365.
Haze –
I don’t use Word and Xcel that much at home so I didn’t see the need to deal with an annualSubscription. So far so good. It takes about five minutes for it to show up for you to down load and provide you with the key.
Lorrie Watt –
The product is what everyone knows. The directions were a bit confusing for downloading but it went fairly smooth after it all started.
aspire_r3 –
Legitimate product, key works, was sent by mail, I was expecting an email, but I received a letter with the key and instructions. The instructions tell you to download the program and uninstall any existing versions of Office before installing. I couldn’t get it to install, it kept failing, so I didn’t even get the chance to put in the key. After 5 days of hunting for info in forums and even reinstalling windows I decided to install another version of Office 365 and then use the Key for Office Professional 2021. The program told me the key was for another product and asked if I wanted to install that one instead. It finished in 5 minutes and now I have a fully functioning office again.
Some Guy –
I am glad I can still buy the actual Microsoft products without a monthly subscription. The reviews had me worried, but I was using Word within 30 minutes of purchasing. I already had a Microsoft account and it downloaded fine. No different than when I buy tax software. Hopefully more people will buy Office this way, so they continue to offer it. With how long I keep my devices, it is well worth buying.
J.Becerra –
Like with ALL things Microsoft if you don’t t toe their line you don’t get to play! You HAVE to make an outlook.com account in order to install the program. Once the program installs it gets very busy and starts taking over all of you documents. It then starts uploading everything it can get it’s hot little hands on and uploads them into the cloud. Microsoft loads your stuff into their own tiny cloud storage. That storage quickly fills up and you start getting nag notices that you need to buy more storage space. I use the Apache word processing program which is TOTALLY free! My wife was coerced by the instructor of a class she is taking by being told that HE likes his students to use Microsoft word…kickbacks? But happy wife happy life. I would have told the instructor to take a flying leap!
RMM from Michigan –
Experienced user of many different versions of Office, both for PC and Mac, and their so-called “connected services” and “experiences” that involve their OneDrive. I wanted nothing to do with OneDrive, or their annual 365 subscription, so I waited for this 2021 release. Very disappointed, but not surprised, to see Microsoft default configured the Office installation to use OneDrive even though I did a custom install and unselected OneDrive. Worse, the installation/configuration defaults the Preferences, Privacy tab to opt-into Connected Services, all 3 “Experiences” that include their “analyzation” of YOUR data AND the connected experience that includes OneDrive. Unselecting all 3 caused the app the hang. Upon forcing the app down, starting, it hung again. Force the app down and restart. Not a surprise to see it showed my name/profile, but that the software was not longer activated. Force to re-enter my credentials. Alas, it finally appears I have Word without it being connected to OneDrive and remains “activated”. I miss the days of entering long product keys to activate software.Update: I was experiencing repeated problems with the Office apps either hanging at launch or forgetting their activation every single time I quit the app. Other Office 2021 users have reported similar experiences online. There is a Microsoft “License Removal Tool” that removes all previous Microsoft Offices licenses from your computer. (In my case, I had the 2016 license and had tried out the 365 version as well recently.). After running that tool and reactivating a single Office 2021 app, the suite started to remember my activation after I quit the apps.
Clearview –
Would have much preferred CD disc with loaded programme – sending a printed sheet was not convenient.
john –
The serial key was delivered by email in just a few hours and the key worked first time with no problems and can highly recommend
mroth –
Sure, its office. But for whatever reason, every time I close the app and reopen it, I must reactivate the app, lest it hang. Really need Microsoft’s help here figuring out why I have to do this. I mean, its a five-star rating without the activation issue.UPDATE (11/18/21)- I lucked into my own solution. Microsoft had a license removal tool for Mac that I ran. Then reactivated, and now my issue is solved. I’ve upped my rating to 4 stars.
Pilot –
Before downloading, I took the precaution of uninstalling the trial version of Office 365 which came with our new Dell laptop. The download and install took about 5 minutes, and we started using the software immediately. Can’t say it’s a big improvement over our old Office 2007, but I guess fifteen years later we were due for an update.
Volt –
All you need is a Microsoft Account (you can create one if necessary). You’ll get the license key in the post. Log in as described in the letter (very clear instructions – read first!) and the key will be associated to your account. Now you can download and install – nice and easy.And if you have an issue with your machine or change it, just go back to your account and download again (you won’t be able to use it on multiple devices!)
Janet Tinga –
Easy to purchase and easy to install
kmj201 –
When it asked which version to install, instead of choosing the recommended, click on the drop-down menu to select the offline version. It won’t save onto the One Drive. Worth it when it’s on sale, instead of paying for a subscription every year. Make sure to follow instructions of prompts that pop up. Like when it asks for a CD key, it’ll say to click back to sign in. I didn’t have any problems with having to sign in or activate every time I opened a file.
Steven Mathisen –
Was wary at first because there was no option to swap to Mac install on the tabs, but it works as advertised.You need to go to your software library in amazon, go to Office.com link to make or sign in to a microsoft account, and install from there. Super simple.Make a password instead of a one time sign-in code to stay logged into the app.
North Coast California User –
I really did not want to be forced to get the software on a yearly subscription. A good value.
J.v.fletcher –
When I brought this I did wonder if I would be able to install it. It was straight forward no problems whatsoever.
carl [woody] cory –
Too many $
Taleah Cox –
I live in Asia and ordered a new computer from the US to be delivered here. I also need Microsoft for my job so I bought this at the same time. Now, I cannot use the key because my location isn’t registering to the US. The link to contact customer service doesn’t work, I cannot return this through Amazon, and I’m a bit confused about who to contact about this. I still want the product, I simply cannot download it because my region is different. I’m really disappointed overall.Edit to add: I was able to contact Amazon’s customer service directly and they helped me out. I ended up getting a refund. I’ll be buying the product from my current region, to save myself some trouble.My advice to people, just be careful where you are WHEN you buy this!
Fernando –
I really like it
I have used MS office for decades. I have Office for Mac 2016.I decided to install the new version in the new MAcBook Air I purchased.I bought this download from Amazon, contrary to my usual practice of purchasing a box with activation information.Amazon site takes you to Microsoft site. There it looks like Microsoft is promoting Office 365 which I did not want to buy.It took me some time to figure out how to download the item I purchased. That choice seemed hidden!Finally I could some how locate the appropriate option to click. Then of course it became an easy process.I have not had enough time to discover anything that is new. I did lose my access to Outlook, aprogram I do not use anyway!
Coder –
You have to be careful if you order this. There is no return, even if you did not yet actually download it. So think about if you really need it before ordering.
Dave –
The process of downloading and installing onto my Mac Pro was quick and easy.
Degitore Customer –
I have Word and Excel for personal use. I’ve used it for years. New PC requires newer version. This was the least expensive option and it’s just what I needed.
Degitore Customer –
This is a great option for those looking for a standalone Microsoft Office license, and who aren’t interested in using the subscription-based Office 365. Installation was quick and easy directly from the Amazon purchase page.
Anthony –
I was very pleased with Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021, it is an excellent package for the financial outlay and it has all the usual features. The main one that I use is Word and it is so user friendly, but of course there are more elements contained within this Microsoft 2021 edition as you might expect and this is amazing for such a nominal, one off, financial outlay.In addition, I would also like to mention the great customer service that ‘7ten’ provided throughout the purchase process. This seller contacted me 20 minutes after my purchase and informed me that the Microsoft 2021 package was ready to download; this process was so straight-forward and easy all the instructions were sent with a link.Finally I would not only recommend the Microsoft Plus 2021 package, but also 7ten the seller is equally recommended for an excellent customer service experience.
D. Davison –
This works better than the online version of 365. Works even better on my laptop since installing. If the Internet is off you cannot access files or use office …? Install this on any pc and enjoy office.
Elvis –
Got the code instantly. Installed and it works great. It is a shame it makes you have a Microsoft account though. Missed the old days when you just instal it on the computer.
Elizabeth M. –
This was difficult to install on my new iMac. I got a new Office 2021 because the old one was not compatible with my new iMac. It is difficult to get help from Microsoft. I was on the phone for three hoursone day and gave up. Called the next day – same thing. Called Amazon and it was only then that I got help from Microsoft. The Amazon representative called Microsoft and stayed on the line with me until I got help. After being transferred to three different people, I finally got a person to help me. It took at least two hours to remove the old Office and install the new Office. It was not easy, even for the Microsoft expert. It took many steps. After all of that, it is working fine.
mitchell schultz –
Ordered and was ready to download in minutes.
William McGhee –
Items for a Christmas present. Hope there is not a activation time?
Kevinkar –
I have been using Office Professional 2010 for a long time and decided it was time to upgrade. Not because I had to but because there have been patches to vulnerabilities in older Office versions that Microsoft no longer will patch in Office 2010 so, while usable, I’d be running a bit at risk.I have not had any activation issues like other Amazon reviewers and my purchase, download, installation and registration worked properly the first time.This version is OK and does what I need it to do so there’s not much I can add to any other professional reviews such as those at PC Magazine, PC World, etc. The interface is again sufficiently changed so that some tasks/tools are difficult to figure out where they are now but that’s just solved by time using the product.The one major annoyance is how it’s registered and used – you need to use a Microsoft account such as a Hotmail address to register it to you. While that’s good for if you lose your laptop or hard drive fails you can always install the software later. The annoyance is that you apparently can’t use it unless you sign in to that account even if you don’t use that account to log on to your computer.Microsoft wants you to use Microsoft Hello or a Hotmail/Live.com account to log on to Windows 10 and beyond but you still are not yet required to do so and I have not. I use my own local account. To use Word, Excel and Power Point 2021, you have to “sign in” to the Office product using your Hotmail/Live account or, if you “sign out” it removes the activation and you can’t use it. Dead in the water.Also you are REQUIRED to send diagnostic data to Microsoft while using the product. You can opt out of some of it but there are required elements you can’t opt out of unless you don’t want to use the software. So that’s annoying as well.While it works, think twice about purchasing this version if you don’t like the sign in and diagnostic data restrictions.
Maurice Kimbley –
Arrived a day or two later than posted but not too bothered. Item downloaded and installed easily and operates perfectly. Very pleased as i needed Outlook and Word to complete my course online. Would recommend.
Islander –
1st Review:I need a refund. This did not download after going carefully through the process. Microsoft would not complete it. (one star)2nd Review: It took an Amazon Chat and several hours pending before Microsoft accepted the order and the process was completed. Then MS repeatedly encouraged me to upgrade to a Subscription, which I managed to avoid. I’ll use the program seldom but wanted Word and Excel because of prior experience with them. I now have a current MacMini with M1 chip running Monterey, so this program should last through two more Apple upgrades since MS supports only the three most recent operating systems for this purchase. If you have an older system, beware!. My 2011 Mac Air with an older OS no longer allows MS Office to be upgraded; and it now has glitches. Planned obsolescence? I haven’t used the new program yet but gave four stars, assuming it will work as intended.
DrCrispy –
PROS: -Improvements over some of the features of my Office 2013. Some features in the 2013 version that had become unsupported like the popup synonyms and dictionary work on the new version. The interface is improved over 2013. Although my first choice was to continue to use 2013, at least 2022 was available for me to buy, and I didn’t have to rent Office 365.CONS:-I would have stayed with Office 2013 but Microsoft is determined to improve their revenue flow by forcing folks to either rent Office 365 or purchase an update to a newer version of Office.I like Microsoft Office Home and Student 2022 just fine. It works quite well on my new computer, and the learning curve from Office 2013 was not steep. However….Beginning of a mindless RANT:I’ve been using Microsoft products for at least 40 years, and I’ve spent thousands of dollars on their software. I appreciate that Windows Home 11 is pretty much free now, and I’m pleased that I no longer have to pay $500 for their word processor. That said, I was very disappointed when I reached the end of the road on my old computer at Windows 10 because the computer wouldn’t run Windows 11. I gave in and upgraded to new machines to go to Windows 11. That was my choice. I don’t dislike Windows 11, and so far it works well for me, but when I tried to install Office 2013, I was not able to “ACTIVATE” it through my Microsoft account. I went farther back to my disk for Office 2007. Again, installation was not allowed. Instead, I was encouraged to rent software access for an online connection to Office 365 (A limited “free” version of Office 365 is available for strictly online use in order to compete with Google DOCS, but I would be out of luck if the internet goes down). I chose to purchase Office for Home and Student 2022 from Amazon instead.I don’t change software or hardware often. For example, we still use Quicken 2013 primarily because we don’t like the “improvements” in the later versions that increase the price while removing features that we actually found useful, and of course, Intuit really wants you to rent Quicken. Office 2013 lasted me for 9 years on my old machine. If I had been paying $90/year rent for the software, then I would have spent more than $800. That’s more than 3 times what I paid to buy it. If I wanted to do online software, I could have used Google DOCs for free or the free version of Office 365 online.The last straw for me in this rent software business model is that HP now requires an activation to set up their printer software. I have a friend who got a new laptop. She asked me to setup her printer on the new machine. Easy, I thought, even though I worried over, IMHO, HP’s sparse instructions, kludgy software, and an annoying and implacable website. I installed the print drivers despite the bad instructions and user interface. Then I was taken to an activation page. Activation Page! I tried to sign into her account from when she bought the printer for her old computer, but of course she didn’t remember the password she used. I tried to set up a new account for her but that was impossible because her email address was already in use. Now I will have to completely uninstall the print drivers, request a password reset and start all over again. And HP wants her to join their ink-of-the-month club by guessing how much ink she might use. A printer is a physical device. No one is going to make a copy of a printer and give it to their friends to use on an unauthorized machine. That is one of many reasons that I no longer buy HP printers after years of using nothing else. For my personal use, I switched to Brother, which is not as fast as an HP, but it orders its own ink from Amazon WHEN IT NEEDS IT.Now ACTIVATION is being used by software companies to force you to discard your favorite old software and buy or rent their new versions. I understand that software companies reach a point where they no longer want to support older software, but I prefer to upgrade on my schedule, not theirs. And I do upgrade when I’m sure that the features I like will continue, that the new features make the upgrade worth the price, and that I won’t be held hostage to a new file structure or business model.Therefore, it is my intention to NOT participate in rented software if I can avoid it. I never liked working on main frame computers using terminals and having to deal with centralized control. “Personal computers” were part of the revolution for me because they were personal. They stood alone for better or worse. They were not at the whim of some faceless tech. The current trend to re-centralize computing operations may appeal to many people, but I shall resist it so long as I can get away with it.As a final aside, IMHO, the worst perpetrators in this new rental model are the Tax Preparation Software companies that do not clearly document what schedules are included in their entry/base rental price OR their entry/base purchase software. Only after you get started, do you discover that you have to pay a lot extra to get the one schedule that was not included. Imagine seeing that Schedule C is included but later you discover that it is only for Schedule C to enter income, you have to pay more if you want a Schedule C to include expenses. Oh, you can enter the expenses by hand, but then the company will not file your tax return that was part of your purchase price: you have to print the return and mail it in. Fortunately, I knew better than to buy anything so woefully described. Unfortunately, I had to buy a version of the software that included many more features than I needed just to be able to get Schedule C expenses AND free electronic filing. However, that was much cheaper than buying the next version down and then having to pay a large added fee to get the missing expense page. IMHO, the IRS is squeezing everyone into the online filing mode, and the software companies are coming up with all kinds of schemes to drive up the fees they can extract from their users. Don’t get me wrong, I love online filing, but the misleading ads by the software companies providing these services is open to more abuse than selling timeshares. If you are selling TAX software, then the ads should clearly state which Schedules your software will provide and note any limitations.End of mindless RANT.Thank you Microsoft for allowing me to buy Office for Home and Office 2022. I would have been looking for a different software brand rather than signup to rent Office 365.
Debra W. –
Once you locate the place where Amazon has placed the download it was very easy and installation was a snap. Links to “Your Games and Software Library” did not work in the email that I was sent. No product key either. It took me an hour to locate the download. You would think it would be easy to find this on Amazon. Not! Ridiculous stress that could have been prevented.
JoJo Dancer –
I was using Office for Mac 2011. I was happy with that old version. My latest OS upgrade made it necessary to upgrade Office. I purchased Office 2021 for a discounted price and the installation went smoothly. I wasn’t thrilled with having to create an account with Microsoft for Office 2021, but the programs are working and I’m trying to navigate the new options and features. So I’m satisfied (not thrilled) with the product.
Dave –
Bought this about three times for various computers and have no complaints.
Rick S. –
Macbook Pro mid 2015 – updated an older version. Easy install without having to do anything special, delete old programs, etc. Lots of comments on trouble installing, but for me just click and it’s done.
Russell D. –
Letter with product key arrived within a couple of days of ordering. The letter contains, product key and clear instructions on how to install, couldn’t be easier. Everything worked without any issues and the product was validated straight off. Great value for money and would highly recommend this product and seller.
Ian –
Despite what all the bad reviews say, I decided to give this download a try and had no issues what so ever. It took a whole 10 minutes to get the software downloaded and going on my computer. I’m running it with Windows 11 and everything seems to be working flawlessly so far. As long as you follow the directions, you shouldn’t run into any issues.
SG –
It is a great deal, but the annoying part is that I can’t use the app on my different laptops
Jessica –
For the price, I thought it would not be an official product but trust me, it is an official software. I received a letter to my post explaining the steps to be followed and the activation code. After copying the link provided, I had my software downloaded in less than 8 minutes. I thought it might be a copy, but it is not. After the installation, Office asked me for an installation code, I introduced the one provided in the letter, and now I have a completely functional programme. It works as normal and for now, I haven’t got any problem at all. I will definitely update this review in case of failure with the license, but for now, it is the real thing.No CD is needed, and I have all the apps related to Office, i.e. PowerPoint, Word, Excel, etc.
Dolores –
Installation was a breeze! It was user friendly…just read the prompts and click! So blessed…Thank you!
Andrew Duncan –
Office accepted key without issue, at the time I was using office 365 via work but that was eventually deactivated I submitted key to activate and it immediately updated and changed to office Pro plus 2021 and managed to save a suspended file I was working on. Big thanks to seller 7ten for Comms and offer of help if needed, but process to activate was simple anyway.
Christopher Castro –
It’s a quick activation, then just download it, sign in, and it’s good to go.
Michael Chanak –
I’m retired, but was raised on Microsoft office. I wasn’t interested in a 365 subscription so this lives me access to the major programs.
JohnnyD –
Package arrived in less than a day. Easy instructions and installed perfectly. Marvellous value only tedious job was typing in address of Microsoft download site!
AdMan –
You receive an email with link and code in a few days, then it’s just a case of installing.
Daniel Dantzie –
This is very useful.
Gray Ghost –
Fairly easy to download and use.
dennis –
Quite easy to download
Holly –
Not what I thought I was buying. The background screen is black and I don’t know how to make it white like my previous version. I hope I get used to it eventually.
Blackcat –
Downloading and installing this software was quick and easy. First, make sure that you have a valid Microsoft account associated with your Windows operating system on the computer you plan to install the Office software. Secondly, open the email with the link to the download on the computer upon which you plan to install the software. Just follow the instructions once the software downloads.The Office software is very similar to previous versions. Biggest negative issue for me was the constant prod by the software to utilize OneDrive. I think I have finally delinked OneDrive and will no longer have to be constantly pushed to utilize it. Now, the Office software is pushing the use of an application called Teams. Hopefully, I can soon find away to disable this prompt and utilize Office without these irritations.
J. W. Neace –
I found it easy to transition over to the newer version of office. I have used MS Access for years and I do miss having it included in the bundle.
Richard C –
Registered with Microsoft without issue updates available. The cheapest Office Package I’ve ever bought. Fantastic.
Mr. C. J. Copping –
Got my money back as the codydid not work
Philip Jones –
License key and download instructions arrived by post. Quick link given for download from microsoft. Very easy.I had a query and my email was quickly answered and resolved. Excellent service.
Geoffrey Marshall –
I bought this to update my obsolete version of Office. Installation and activation went as smoothly as you would expect from Microsoft. There are features I will rarely, if ever, use but may come in handy. I can’t think of a feature I would like that is not already installed.
One person found this helpful
Mehmet Bolat –
Extremely recommended
Peterm –
The bit.ly link was not working so one had to type a very long https string in correctly. After that the file downloaded and installed correctly.Exactly what i needed at a sensible price.
Installed without issue and works as it should do. Well pleased with purchase and with seller.
Mike 46 –
Easy to follow instructions downloaded and complete in 15 minutes.
alex –
Initially I believed the download link and key would arrive in the post. I waited and nothing popped through the the letter box. After 10 days I re-checked my email and saw a link from the vendor with a key and download key. The key and link was sent within hours of my purchase but I missed it. I downloaded, installed and entered the key. It was successful. I scanned for viruses – nothing was found and my paid for virus software gave office 2021 a clean bill of health. Incredible value but it works with no viruses. I don’t know why people have given this vendor poor reviews, I for one am really happy with my purchase.
Rain –
I finally buckled down and bought this for three reasons:1.) I don’t want to deal with never-ending subscriptions, of course. I want to OWN something if i pay for it.2.) The spell/grammar check in microsoft word is, imo, the best out there. I’ve tried SO many alternative word processors, all the free ones you can think of. None of the spell-check features lived up to what microsoft word’s is capable of (again, imo). I highly value Word for its spell-check, because i’m usually writing stories, scripts/dialogue for small games and projects in the software. and3.) Before now, I would occasionally use the free microsoft word that you can access through web, but i wanted something I could use even if I didn’t have internet access or something.I saw another review that was worried about being unable to redownload, so before i bought this for myself, i checked online resources from microsoft’s page to verify that it’s possible to redownload/reinstall. I don’t know if I can post links, but you can access purchase again by looking into your account settings/services after signing into your microsoft account online. This will allow you to reinstall at any time.You can do this because the purchase is tied to YOUR personal microsoft account, not to a single device (I haven’t done this for myself yet, but this should mean that I should be able to also install this on my both my laptop and main PC- just so long as i’m accessing it with the microsoft account it’s tied to. I’ll edit this review if that doesn’t work out for any reason because i don’t want to mislead anyone). You can search this for yourself if you don’t understand and want to see specific steps on how to reinstall.No issues from me!
Ana Enríquez –
I’m still struggling to be able to run the program on a Mac Pro. I have tried various ways following directions from the Microsoft page and nothing 🙁 I guess I’ll keep trying!
Ellie –
well designed software program
Allen Evans –
Went to download and saw where I bought Microsoft Office Plus 2016 that I bought for another computer years ago. Wanted me to down load that one and not the Microsoft office Home and student 2021 I just bought. I am thinking “Click Bait!!” and closed it down. Went back and tried again and it says” You can no longer redeem the 27 character alpha-numeric code….”So what did I get for paying $125.00??? NOTHING!!!!!I went and bought another at Best Buy. Due to my mother needs this on her computer, Did the same thing but went to the tap of the items I bought. From there I could install the one I bought then went to another computer I own and installed it there also. Gt my moneys worth but is a hassle to get there. Up it to 3 stars
Karla Altamirano –
It was easy and almost immediate. You have to go to your Amazon messages to get the code
Tang, Xuexin –
Very good
Maximzodal –
I’ve been using Word since version 1 that came on a 360Kb floppy. Every version since, MS changes the tool bar requiring untoward work trying to get the app to do what YOU had set it up to do before! Making these changes adversely disrupts your workflow! It’s like the user interface committee sitting around wondering how they can change Word to better aggravate the user. When you have a monopoly you can do what you want. If it weren’t for numerous macros I’ve written I would dump it.
Product key arrived within 2 days with simple instructions. I removed the free 365 office on my new laptop, typed in download link for 365 pro from Microsoft website, then typed in the product key and away I went. Could not have been easier. Perfect!
Mr D. Booth. –
Had no issues with install or activation.
Amber –
Bought this as a gift for my partner. After some initial teething issues the tech support managed to sort things out and now it works perfectly.
J. Bur –
Ok…I’m getting older so when I bought a new laptop and needed OFFICE installed, I went looking for the buy it in the box type, which is no longer available. My nephew came and he ordered this online and in no time had me up and running! Super simple! I probably could have done it myself, but it was nice to have help. Gotta get with the times and download everything these days, I guess. My copy was on sale, which was extra nice.
James Little –
Even though it all works and was fast to arrive, only issue i had was being sent the link to get the file via letter was really a bad thing, as you have to type it in, where being emailed this would make it easier. Customer service was quick to help with this, and sorted quickly. Overall very happy.
Lal Ram –
Mason Harley –
Good product, it was nice and smooth process installing the product with all questions answered with full instructions
Russell D. –
Letter with product key arrived within a couple of days of ordering. The letter contains, product key and clear instructions on how to install, couldn’t be easier. Everything worked without any issues and the product was validated straight off. Great value for money and would highly recommend this product and seller.
3 people found this helpful
Bf86 –
I ordered this on line, product arrived in the post as it said it would and it installed on my PC without a glitch. Recommended seller and product.
Daniel John –
Like many of you, I was dubious buying this considering the price, and, like many of you, I checked the reviews first to make sure it was legit. Now it’s my turn to leave a review to reassure others.You get a piece of paper in the post with clear, easy to follow instructions and a product code. I did as the instructions said and was delighted to find the code worked, it all installed perfectly and the code gave me everything I needed. Perfect.Just FYI, you are required to download a 4gb file, which can take some time if your internet speed is a little slow, but once this is downloaded, you get everything you need from this. Thanks very much!
8 people found this helpful
Joseph Kastelan –
Great for everyday use. Not good for a professional. A bit pricey for what you get.
Mark Brewton –
I needed Office for my new Mac and decided to buy from Amazon as it was discounted a bit. It was super easy to buy and install. Would buy again!
Abdul Amin Gani –
I bought from 7ten shopYou get a code from Amazon message centre/emailed to you. Don’t wait for a physical copy because nothing will come.The download link given is official from the Microsoft site, if you don’t trust it you can download from the site directly and enter the license key. If you download the wrong version the app will just allow you to download and install the right version so you don’t have to worry about getting the version exactly right.
PC –
Easy straight forward way to purchase MS Office. So many only offer one years subscription so this life time licence for the price is excellent. Key code posted first class and arrived quickly. Instructions are simple to follow although I did have slightly change a couple of steps. All programs working well, just having to get use to the upgraded screen commands from my previous old version. Very pleased with the purchase and especially the reasonable price. Would recommend to anyone wanting basic MS office for home use.
2 people found this helpful
Miss G –
Came quick, easy installation, even for me, perfect.
2 people found this helpful
Rod Clayton –
I was very pleased to get this product and to avoid the continuous badgering for updates by Microsoft at what I consider rip-off prices. It was difficult to install partly due to my very slow computer speeds and mainly due to the fact that uninstalling previous software seemed to not quite work, leaving fragments of associated software. Fortunately, my son was able to help me. I do not blame the seller for these difficulties and managed without having to contact him.
One person found this helpful
Sandie –
Easy to install. Works well.
A. Briggs –
The key code came on a single sheet of paper with installation instructions. The envelope said the delivery should be signed-for but the postie ignored this. You then have to download a large (4.2 GB) file, run the installation program, which then does a bit more downloading. My installation stalled during this second stage but luckily restarting the computer got it going again. The activation code worked and all the Office programs I have tried seem to work fine. The price seemed too good to be true but so far so good.
2 people found this helpful
Barbara Clark –
Found nothing to dislike with this product. Followed instructions and everything went fine. Would recommend
Julie charlton –
Received this product today, easy peasy to install, worth every penny, will definitely use again and I would highly recommend.
Ann –
Meets my requirements
Z Godden –
Very happy with my purchase.Really simple to set up – I am not tech savvy and found the instructions simple to follow and was all installed within 10 minutes – brilliant!
Mary –
Very easy to install: instructions clear and concise, a few straightforward steps and it was up and running.
Chandler4 –
I followed the straightforward instructions and installed Microsoft Office 2021 in 10 minutes. All excellent!
g diver –
excellent deal. I mistakenly thought this had not arrived so please accept my opoligies
Graham Mitchell –
Nothing to dislike Great value for money and for a top product.Just follow the instruction given and the whole process is quick and painless.Would buy again.
Christopher Driver –
Product came quickly a link to the website and a product key key didn’t work but he said he was invalid unlock the install. It is difficult to believe that this was an error rather than a deliberate strategy. This had been bought as a gift for an elderly person who has been massively stressed by it all. They always say that if it looks too good to be true, it probably and that is feeling I get here. I’m sure the vendor will say it was just an error the corrected quickly but there are too many similar reviews to be coincidental.
LesM –
Easy install. No problems at all and fully licensed. So highly recommended.
Esque –
No problem with the installation, it is legit. Just ensure your VPN is off when you do the restart.
Law ting kwok –
It works will buy again
Gordon –
This product is value for money easy to set up and to use.I wouldn’t now be without it it’s so useful
Alex.G –
This is the printer for me
Kindle Customer 007 –
Super easy to install and with a lifetime licence for this PC this really should see me out. Just upgraded from running Office 2003 so quite a change, but all for the better. Shame all future Office suites will only be in the cloud and not owned outright!
andrew malcolm –
easy to download , works great
Jennifer –
Very easy to install, just ensure you follow the instructions very happy with this purchase. Thank you
A –
Bought to replace 2013 version. Great update and works well from install to use. Have bought this type of licence in the past and is a great way to have MS products
Saba –
Good for price
Julie –
The license works perfectly but it was ordered on 26 November and didn’t arrive until 6th December by post.
One person found this helpful
Misteron –
If you are a first time user of this Product, it is very easy to install. However, if you have had previous Versions of this Product, you might run into some Issues like I did. I had Microsoft Office Home and Student 2019 installed on my Desktop running Windows 11 Pro. First, I uninstalled Office 2019 from my Desktop. I then installed Office 2021. Everything seemed to work ok. I then checked under Programs and Features and it showed Office 2021 installed. I then clicked the Shortcut App for Word, went to Account and to my surprise it still showed Office 2019 installed. Huh? I then went online and googled this and found others with this same Issue as well, but no real solution. After some Time, I finally found out how to correct this: Click on Account, right above the Update Selection, you will see “change License”. Select that and click next and you will see Office 2021 selected. Click accept and that is it. Reboot your Computer and now you will see Office 2021 when you check your Account. I have used Office Home and Student Versions going back to 2007 and after installing the new Version, it always showed the Version that I installed until now.
Will H. –
I purchased Office Home/Student 2021 and downloaded and installed it. Now it says I have to download and install Office 2019. When I try to download Office 2019 it says I dont have a valid subscription. So I bought Office 2021 Gome but I cant use it. Microsoft solved the issue for me.
Mr T A M O’Malley –
Letter arrived sooner than expected. Directions easy to understand and Office 2021 installed quickly and code accepted so now up and running. Good Work!
Barbara Angela Miller –
Unbelievable value for money. Received instructions and code via signed for post. It would have been better via email as the link could be clicked on. I followed the instructions as carefully as I could and had good success. No problems for me at all. I am so pleased.
Mrs Jacqueline Timms –
Excellent. I followed the instructions and Office 2021 installed without any issues.
2 people found this helpful
mbobg –
Commendable for the very clear instructions for what can be an intimidating process for the less technical. Great value, codes delivered by email for speed if needed. Recommended.
Virginia low tech consumer –
I was finally upgrading from Office 2010 to Office 2021. It seemed easy at first – got the download message by my Microsoft email and it said it downloaded, but it didn’t work. I called Microsoft and a very nice lady in Nigeria tried to make it work for about 2 hours, looking at my screen and giving me advice on what to enter (I didn’t want to give her full control).She finally got it to work after reloading a couple of times and finally deleting microsoft office 10. Seems to work, but the “word” icons were not showing up properly on the files and she tried numerous times to try to fix that having me restart the computer several times. She finally gave up and said she will arrange a call later to try to fix it.I didn’t like the security risk of having office 10 with no security updates from Microsoft. They only cover the 2021 system for five years from 2021. I also took a risk calling Microsoft (which turned out to be Microsoft Nigeria) to try to fix it.I tried libreoffice instead a few year ago, but some people had difficulty reading my files so I am stuck with paying Microsoft. I tried to avoid storing my files in the cloud, but failed to stop that because of numerous reloads.
Cristian –
Happy to buy something and I don’t have to keep paying for it. The basics are what I needed anyway
Nat Kat –
I read several reviews saying the software didn’t work and whatnot. I need MS office and felt worried. But the negative reviews were unwarranted. Got it downloaded and activated in about 30-45 minutes. My only issue was I thought I could access the download from my Amazon account. But no.They sent the activation code and link in an e-mail.One thing to note … it will try to save your documents to One Drive … make sure to adjust that setting if you want to save on computer.Otherwise … its MS office … it should be cheaper … but its not.
Nic –
I followed the advice of fellow reviewer RMM from Michigan and downloaded the Microsoft license removal tool (googled it). I used this uninstall tool to remove the previous Microsoft 365 from my iMac. Easy. I then redeemed the code (hardest part was finding it lol) on my Microsoft account, clicked the Word app on my task bar, signed in, and voila! I’m back in and able to open all of my docs without any issues! 😀
Guy –
At about £20, this full and legal version of MS Office 2021 Pro represents remarkable value! The only restriction is that use is limited to a single PC. Updates are included but unlike Office 365, new versions are not.At a fraction of the cost of a rip-off single year subscription to Office 365, this, IMHO, is by far the better buy. It is compatible with Windows 10 & 11 – I run Windows 11 Pro.I purchased from the “MMI Shop” on Amazon and there were a couple of hiccups. The letter with the key and installation instructions didn’t show up. However, on contacting the seller, I was immediately sent the relevant information by Amazon Message. Alas, the first Key didn’t work but a new one was immediately provided which worked fine! The installation was thereafter quick and easy. There is a 4+ GB download in the process so ensure you have a good internet connection! I use a 100 mbps 4G+ LTE router and the download took about 12 minutes.On completion of the installation, I checked my Microsoft Account and everything was registered correctly. A couple of new updates were available which I downloaded.Everything works fine and I rather like the new look and feel.My thanks to the MMI Shop for quick and effective support. I have saved a fortune.I am very pleased.
HardworkingMum –
Important for all earlier versions of Outlook to be completely deinstalled before attempting to install and operate this version – then it’s simply a question of downloading the Office apps from the link provided by post within a couple of days of ordering and away you go. Perfect. Also if you have any problems, the supplier provides prompt and helpful support via What’s App.
3 people found this helpful
SG –
Bought 4 months ago and just installed it. Had some issues with the installation. Reached out to the seller and was supported swiftly and effectively. Was quite nervous to purchase – but all turned out well and good. I am glad that there are sellers like this!
One person found this helpful
Instruction sheet clear and easy to follow. Took 40 minutes added in key. Hey presto all workming brilliantly.
Buster –
Easy to install, works perfectly, great value, and very quick delivery.Dave Brown
One person found this helpful
sidney –
just the job for my computer work. has all i need
Paul Matthews –
Easy to install, works like a dream and great value!
One person found this helpful
tommy allen –
just works saves you money and good customer service
Diana –
This was an easy, no hassle process for us older folks. I was a bit wary, but it went well and works perfectly.
lawdawg –
Received download information instantly. Flawless transaction
Chuck –
works in admin account but I don’t like being logged into that one while actually doing work I thought it was going to work in non-admin but now I’m pretty sure not so I’ll leave it 3 stars it says for one computer not for one account – at first i gave it 3 stars as couldn’t figure out how to get it to work in a non-admin account on the same computer but I think its working now. If it stops working though I’ll reduce it back to 3 stars.
Marina –
I’ve received this code through the post. Redeemed code directly in Microsoft account all gone through as it should. Easy to install and use. Thank you
steve –
Delivered on time , very clear instructions ( follow carefully ) , worked very well and functional. I saved the programmes to my taskbar for easy access. Existing files opened on the new Office software – no problem !
Bd Insley –
home use only for me to keep tract of budgets
Provides exactly what you expect with clear instructions on how to install.
Durry –
Follow the instructions and the program installs easily. No data or settings are lost.
Duncan Thorpe –
I can’t comment on it too much as it’s only been loaded up about three days so still finding my way around it and understanding the different locations of programs etc to my old computer . All I can say is that it seems to be working just fine . The Bessie instructions that came looked fairly decent, but I got an IT guy to load this new software onto my new laptop. He had to delete pre set programs off it first though, and it took half a day to carry out this task. I am glad he did this for me as I am sure ot would have taken me a lot longer as I am no tech wizard.
One person found this helpful
michele soanes –
Great programme, very pleased with it.
Barbara Angela Miller –
Unbelievable value for money. Received instructions and code via signed for post. It would have been better via email as the link could be clicked on. I followed the instructions as carefully as I could and had good success. No problems for me at all. I am so pleased.
Roland1949 –
This was a great way for me to economically upgrade my office suite.
Roy N Rennie –
Excellent value for great product
Jessica –
For the price, I thought it would not be an official product but trust me, it is an official software. I received a letter to my post explaining the steps to be followed and the activation code. After copying the link provided, I had my software downloaded in less than 8 minutes. I thought it might be a copy, but it is not. After the installation, Office asked me for an installation code, I introduced the one provided in the letter, and now I have a completely functional programme. It works as normal and for now, I haven’t got any problem at all. I will definitely update this review in case of failure with the license, but for now, it is the real thing.No CD is needed, and I have all the apps related to Office, i.e. PowerPoint, Word, Excel, etc.
10 people found this helpful
Veronica –
Easy to install just follow the directionsGo to Office.com/setup and sign in with your Microsoft account or create a new account (save your credentials). Enter your product key and follow the instructions.
Dennis –
What I liked: Wham Bam installed.What I don’t like: Need to seek out instructions.Bottom line: if you’ve any experience you can pick through the changes.
Keith Hall –
The software is great but now you are forced to have a Microsoft account. When you log in the first thing they do is try to get you to buy 365. A big ripoff for those that use the programs less frequently. I can get a word or excel program elsewhere but I have always used MS so thats the my bain.
N. El-Jneinati –
Purchased this and received the activation code with instructions to download and use on the same day. Instructions were very helpful and straightforward.Would definitely recommend.
n0598ac –
Supplied and installed first time no issues whatsoever. Supplier was 5 stars
Charles J. Bridge –
I followed the directions and this installed just fine. My only tip is after the install to make sure you open excel, word or PowerPoint by itself instead of trying to open with the Microsoft office icon. Maybe this is where the one star reviews were running into issues.
M. Kirby-Yoder –
I actually teach MS Word for two universities, so I know it’s not perfect. I’ve struggled for a decade to find an alternate less expensive program for a students to use but I keep coming back to MS Word. I personally have been using it on my Mac for over twenty years. I recommend it as a the most versatile workhorse writing program since word perfect. (Yeah, I go way back) I you have to use and your frustrated, by the work book and do the exercises. Once you learn to navigate the ribbons and figure out where the things are, it makes all the difference. It’s not intuitive to use. You have learn it and take time to learn what it can do and how. But once you have it, you’ll find it’s your work friend. Again, you have to learn how to use it. It is NOT intuitive. Watch YouTube videos and practice.
Christopher –
Hope you understand PC’s
Snoopy48 –
I had previously installed Office Professional Plus 2016 under a similar on line deal and since my PC has just been taken back to factory settings, I decided to upgrade the version, hence this purchase. I have to say although the supplied instructions were reasonably thorough, I was at first unable to install the downloaded programme. This was because the described ‘steps’ bore major differences to what I was seeing on my screen ( i.e. there was no ‘MOUNT’ instruction ) and only by my own resourcefulness was I able to get the installation to proceed. Funny enough, Word became installed as a 2016 version until I upgraded using the on-screen invitations. But agreed everything is there as described now. Of course the price is super cheap and I note that this version does not appear in my MS account of installed programs, which the 2016 version still remains if all else fails. I therefore have reservations that if my PC failed in any way, I would not be successful in getting the programme back. But for now, I have a full working programme and that’s good. One observation for the seller though, he sends the instruction letter including the licence key by first class post. It would have been great if a copy of that could have been sent by email and then I could have copied and pasted all the relevant lines of text to install and activate. I got round this by scanning the letter and saving as a ‘discoverable’ PDF which I was successful in using in this way.
10 people found this helpful
Bashar Al-Gailani –
Happy with the product
John G, Oxfordshire –
Absolutely fabulous product, worked first time with no issues associated with some product key purchases. Initially had concerns that Order was being posted, but contacted seller who immediately replied with the product key and instructions despite it being Christmas day. Top quality seller and top quality support. Highly recommended.
Another Old Man –
Great purchase and very easy install for the market leader.
darryl hunter –
The only negative is that it took 2 days snail mail to get a code that could have been instantaneously emailed.
One person found this helpful
Excellent. Easily installed on laptop and works well as expected. Good value for money.
Del Hone –
I was looking for a long time and seen this, look at feedback so gave it a go. It arived quick buy post. It’s working. You must take all office word out of your pc or laptop. Then install this by following the instructions. You must follow the instructions very carefully. Download the software then put in the long product key. This is a download off the internet. It’s all working all instead all good. From starting to finish it took 30 min. It’s all installed and all working. I recommend this, it’s definitely worth the money and very safe. This is a great deal.
Daniel –
This price is really low
Bcleeve –
Arrived on time. Installed cleanly after I removed all trace of existing Office applications inc. 365.Happy to fully recommend
One person found this helpful
Connor MacleodConnor Macleod –
The instructions that were sent in the mail along with the registration key didn’t exactly work for me. Don’t get me wrong; the registration key worked perfectly; but the installation instructions didn’t work.In these instructions, they said where to download the ISO file. That went smoothly. The instructions for installing the file turned out to be a nightmare.Step 2 stated that if you right-click on the ISO, there would be an option in the list that said “Mount”. I did exactly as instructed but did not have this option offered in the end.I tried mounting the image using my NERO 2016 and then my NERO 2018. Neither of them even saw the file when I navigated to the folder that held the downloaded image.I then tried, mounting the image using my Cyberlink Media Suite. It too couldn’t see the file when I navigated to it.In the end, I had to use my ISO Buster 3.0 to extract the image into a format where the individual software files were accessible to run the Setup.Once I had managed to get through all of the aforementioned, the rest was a breeze. At least now, if you come across the same issues I did, you’ll know what to do to get it installed. Good luck.
5 people found this helpful
n0598ac –
Supplied and installed first time no issues whatsoever. Supplier was 5 stars
Geoffrey Marshall –
I bought this to update my obsolete version of Office. Installation and activation went as smoothly as you would expect from Microsoft. There are features I will rarely, if ever, use but may come in handy. I can’t think of a feature I would like that is not already installed.
One person found this helpful
Tom M –
I was using an old version of Office on an old Dell laptop. Now have a new Dell laptop with Windows 11 and needed stand-alone versions of Excel and Word, don’t care about saving files to the cloud. Installation was quick and easy. I recommend preparing for purchase and installation by 1) setting up a Microsoft Account in advance, 2) using the same email address for Degitore and the Microsoft Account, and 3) uninstalling any previous versions of Office that are present on the receiving computer. After buying the product I received an email within 5 minutes of so with a link to the Microsoft website. I signed into my Microsoft Account, my purchase was verified automatically, then downloaded and installed the program. About 20 minutes from purchase to installation with no issues.
Kindle Customer –
I needed to install Office on a new laptop, so purchased this. It’s from Microsoft, so it is mostly compatible with itself in Mac and older versions. It seems that some things do not carry across between versions. Formatting in Word and Excel, some macro commands, and PowerPoint transitions don’t always work as advertised and need to be tweaked at the far end.Otherwise, it does its thing like it should and gets the job done. Pretty good stuff.
Halbot –
If anyone thinks you can buy a full version of office for £20 you are mistaken. There is no guarantee the key will work or that it will continue to work. How Amazon even allow this is beyond me.
9 people found this helpful
Callum Sheldrake –
The product is a letter with a licence key which isnt affiliated with Microsoft, and a dodgy website install link that probably harbours a virus. I regret purchasing such product as there are more secure methods of getting microsoft office with a guaranteed lifetime deal.
One person found this helpful
Great value and all you need.
Jon S-S –
I bought this for a friend who needs office but didn’t need a family subscription. The price was very competitive so I bought it. I removed the existing Office 365 instance from the laptop and then downloaded using the link provided, installed and activated using the provided key. All very easy and no problems at all.Great value for money, very happy with this product and the speed in which I was able to install.
One person found this helpful
CJ –
Just follow the instructions, delivered in the letter. Price amazing and delivered on time.
Su/Av –
Good one off price and easy to install
Johno –
Very easy to set up
Jennifer –
Not sure how but I uninstalled 360 and installed again and seem to have office working fine…
David C –
Having had to install a new PC after my old one failed where I was running a very old copy of MS Office the 2021 version provides a number of improvements which are of great help.
g e jones –
Excellent product. Easy to download and install.Initial issue licence key was not valid, but after contacting seller this was soon resolved. Excellent service through the seller, would recommend.
One person found this helpful
Paul –
MMI Shop supplied the Product and helpfully sent the activation code in advance of my receiving the letter: This unfortunately resulted in a lot of time and effort to try and install the programme as unfortunately the wrong activation code was inadvertently E-mailed. The letter arrived very late but the activation code it contained was accepted immediately. MMI shop were very helpful and quick to respond to my queries with suggestions on how to resolve the issue; those suggestions did not of course work but if it hadn’t been for the mix up with the code it would have been a very simple process to install the programme. Overall MMI showed they have good customer service as a priority.
4 people found this helpful
bunk1970 –
This is a fantastic price, the only downside is it took over a week to be delivered. Hence the 3 stars.
greenheart –
I rely on Microsoft Office but can’t afford to be subscribing to Office 365. This was a good compromise for two computers that won’t be supported when Window 10 becomes obsolete i.e. not necessarily getting security updates so probably not being used online. The product was easy to install and activate, prompt delivery and accurate instructions. Thanks.
A.Mac –
Great value, easy to install and works, perfect!
RT –
The code is sent in a letter via Royal Mail which is the only part that I didn’t understand when it’s easier to share the product online. With the Royal Mail issues, the letter didn’t arrive on time so I contacted the seller and I received prompt and helpful response as well as a pdf version of the product that was much easier to use given the link included. Installation was straightforward and all works very well, I’m very happy with my purchase.
2 people found this helpful
Taz –
I was sceptical as usual, but you get a lot for your money with this though. It’s exactly as sold. Very very happy. Now my new Alienware has the best of Office. Thank you very much.Taz.
Ms. Alexandra Wilson –
Excellent product. Immediate despatch. Easy peasy installation. Bargain!
One person found this helpful
PatO –
Initially there was a problem as the software wouldn’t work, but I got excellent service and the issue was resolved. I am very happy with this product.
Marcus –
No problems at all and good customer service
Umair –
I received the parcel late. but it’s working perfectly.
PK –
I ordered the MS Office 2021 Professional Plus. It has been a complete and total nightmare, cannot activate. I spent some 4 hours with MS Team. Finally, I have been informed that the Licence Key the seller supplied is for Testing purposes, will never able to activate. How can Amazon let the seller to promote this kind of item which is not authorised by the MS?
42 people found this helpful
Mr Fussy –
You look at the price tag and you’re probably suspicious 🙂 No need it’s a legitimate transaction and you do get a proper MS Office as stated, the only pain is you get the license key with the link to download the software through your letterbox on paper and you need to type the very long link in your address bar. Technically you can search google by the first part of the link (like I did) and you’ll get the link results straight away, just make sure to doublecheck you go to the UK link not US (2 letters’ difference in the link), which I didn’t 🙂
One person found this helpful
Vic St. –
Licence key was sent via post (!!).The key would not work on your trial Office 365 suite. You have to follow the instructions in the letter. But it works and seems like a genuine copy of Office 2021!I don’t know how the seller can get such cheap prices for Office but it does work!
Simon D. –
Definitely dodgy, but it works so yay ????????????????
warran helps –
Had my doubts because of the price but it works perfectly . Click on the small link to start the download and put in your code . So easy
I bought the Microsoft office for £17.99 on Saturday and messaged the seller if they can provide me with the key code via email. Seller replied back with the key code within 24hours. Installed it on Sunday and everything is working perfectly. I’m impressed 🙂
Tony Morton –
Had been using Office 2010. Bought this and soon got an email from Amazon saying I had a message. Seller had sent a link, a licence key, and simple instructions that worked. Bish, bash, bosh, using Office in under an hour at a price that really helps these days. probably my best buy for months. Word has even copied my recent files over. Great stuff!
Lazarus –
Works fine. Just Google how to mount the software for installation. Longer term if it lasts a year you have more then you have had your monies worth.
jon –
Does what it says on the tin.
Paul Smith ([email protected]) –
I didn’t want the annual cost of Office 365, so I purchased this option as a low cost alternative. Microsoft Office is a mature package I have been using for a long time and the 2021 edition is great.A few days after purchase a letter arrived with download and installation instructions. As a printed document – it was necessary to manually type in the URL – I carefully typed in the long URL address and the 4.2 Gb download and install completed without issue. The instructions were clear and I followed them step by step without any problems. I was installing office on a new laptop with Windows 11.Windows did a number of updates after install – and this took some time to complete, but the 2021 suite is working perfectly and this is in truth an excellent option. When you open an office product for the first time, the printed key needs to be entered – no issues and I recommend this option.
5 people found this helpful
Another Old Man –
Great purchase and very easy install for the market leader.
Mrs M. –
Expected it ti be complicated but very easy to install and I’m no spring chicken!!!
John Tainton –
Great product been using it for years
Marie –
Got it through the post. I was scared it would be a scam but pleasantly surprised. The paper on the post has the link to download an image of office (I think like a docker image) then you type in a product key as normal. So he helps you with downloading the software and then you use the product key once you open any office application like word. The instructions on the paper were easy to understand so I did not need to watch the video. I hope it lasts a lifetime for 1 Pc. Worked on my windows 11 laptop. I did not see any virus after download.
One person found this helpful
macro –
Works as expected.
HappySnapper –
Great value and excellent service. Bought two so far and arrived in two days by signed for post. All good but follow the install instructions.
Fabio Tonelli Mareuse –
I didn’t receive the product by post. The seller sent me a message with the link to download and the product key. Working fine.
One person found this helpful
Martyn –
Best product at a very good price.
Tara –
I found that after typing in the http address it did get a bit confusing with it at times it was a bit stressful but did manage to get there downloading was not a problem or installing it was only the main link was a bit of an issue after that it was easy, I am pleased with it.
Dr. Robert Griffiths –
No problems highly recommended
birendra shrestha –
For some reason i was unable to install perhaps to do with my OS but the seller was very helpful and spent quite some time to fix the issue and was able give full refund. Also installed 2019 office for free. Very good customer service.
Sinan Gulle –
I am was bit skeptical but its legit. And so easy to set up just follow the steps you cant go wrong.Very happy:)
Chi –
Like other reviewer said it works. I got a paper instruction being sent py post ( not by e-mail). Whatever the format it worked without a hitch so I am happy with it. I used it for Windows 11.
Mr. B. to you –
It works. Print is VERY small to read. Doesn’t register to your MS account so you can’t re-download it from MS. You have to keep the details of the site where to download – which could change. The key is tied to your machine so it won’t work if you buy a new PC and want to install it.
3 people found this helpful
Law ting kwok –
It works will buy again
N. Sanderson –
New laptop running Windows 10/11 and we thought we should upgrade from Office 2010 as a) the new computer doesn’t have a disc drive and b) you can’t download the installer from Microsoft any more.Followed the instructions which were sent by post (how quaint!) and the download started immediately and completed quickly. Works fine though still can’t get rid of the hated Ribbon!
One person found this helpful
Good Product
John –
Got setup instructions next day. You must follow the instructions step by step then you should have no trouble installing. I personally found it easy to install. Great value for money.
P. M. Jones –
Easy to install and a great product. Details came by Royal Mail where an electronic communication would have been better and quicker, but that’s only a comment.
Powderpuff –
Easy to order, instant download, installed with no problems, working brilliantly. Such a bargain replaced my old Office 2003 version on my new PC.
Jeff Gladman –
Excellent value for money. Only issue is the link printed for the en-gb version is incorrect, but that can be easily rectified by changing the link. Product activation was flawless and successful so very happy.Communication with seller regarding the incorrect link was quick and friendly.Very satisfied.
Tan –
Need MS office for Window 11 but don’t want to subscript 365 online or paying for multiple licenses. I just need one license at a reasonable price. This is perfect.
One person found this helpful
Kindle Customer –
This software installed easily on my Laptop & it’s now in use.
Nick Grinfeld –
MS Office for my son’s laptop installed with no issues at all. Can’t complain….as long as the feds aren’t reading this.
When rain dampened the print on the product key information letter – the after-care email response was immediate and extremely helpful.
mumtaz shah –
Easy application- value for money
One person found this helpful
TerryDox –
I have used MS Word since 1983 and as time went on Excel etc so the review is more to do with the seller. I contacted Rob as I didn’t want to wait too long for setting up Office on a new machine. My previous version was Office 13 so I thought new machine, get a an update. Very rapid response from Rob with a download link and licence key. So I had MS Office up and running within a very short time. I received the paper copy of the details through the post today. The new version of Office is superb with many new features and support from Rob was excellent. Definitely and without hesitation recommend this product and seller
One person found this helpful
Tim Moore –
Excellent value for one-off payment to access Microsoft Programmes. I don’t need them to be updated each year, so this is in fact a bargain way to meet my requirements.
A.Mac –
Great value, easy to install and works, perfect!
Wika D. –
They sell the right one.I spoke directly to the MS Office customer service for the activation and they give me the ID number to input. All being smooth. Thank you seller ?
Andy –
I received the code by post very quickly. Downloaded and installed without issues
E Ford –
Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus purchased online is not legitimate. They are sold in contravention of the Microsoft licence. Apparently, they may work for a long or short time but Microsoft will disable it.
6 people found this helpful
When rain dampened the print on the product key information letter – the after-care email response was immediate and extremely helpful.
Andrew C. –
I was expecting to have to wait for the instructions and activation to be delivered by post but no… within 40 minutes of placing the order a link and the activation code was emailed to me. A few minutes to download and I was up and running within an hour of placing the order! Fantastic service, 5 stars all round.
Charles Akwuba –
I actually only needed MS Office 2021 for my personal/private day to day work but I find it an exceptionally good all-round software that goes well beyond my needs.
2 people found this helpful
PC Builder –
Item never arrived but that’s a Royal Mail issue not a seller issue. Seller forwarded the information with key and iso img download all installed and activated and yes this is the retail version. Great item and a recommended seller. Seller 5 stars Royal mail 0 stars.
2 people found this helpful
John Boy –
The Amazon web page states that this is delivered by USB; it isn’t, it’s an A4 sheet sent via Royal Mail.This is a valid download with clear instructions. I installed it on Windows 11 21H2, (my second computer) so there isn’t a right click option to mount it. I clicked on open and ran it from there. It picked up my Microsoft account and install was smooth and without a hitch. I have to say that Office 2021 looks better that Office 2019. I installed Office 2021 so that I can use my Outlook and Word files whilst I refresh Windows 10 on my main computer. That said, I’ll probably by another Office 2021 licence to replace Office 2019. I’ll probably change Outlook IMAP to POP3. The instructions say to remove existing Office, and the online version comes with Windows 11. Therefore I removed it from the Windows 11 apps but left it in C:/Windows and that works fine.Really happy with this so 5 stars.
3 people found this helpful
So easy to install. Worked straight away. Instructions easy to follow. Betttr than paying £250!!
One person found this helpful
Mr R Nath –
I ordered this after reading the many reviews but was still very sceptical if it was legit due to the price.I was concerned when I was advised the code would be posted in a couple of days and when the delivery date did arrive nothing arrived and I had a notification it was running late.I promptly sent an email to Amazon who got me in contact with the seller.Within a few hours I had a reply from the seller who promptly sent over a PDF with the download instructions and product key.I installed it and activated within minutes.Genuine Microsoft software installed without a glitch.Fantastic service I would highly recommend for those who casually use MS Office.
One person found this helpful
AnneM –
This is a great product and is very easy to use. Suitable for use with my kindle but can also be used with an IPad
Ian S-B –
Delivered as promised, clear instructions, works perfectly. Can’t ask for more.
H –
Not sure how thus is provided for the price but the installation key arrived in the post with the path to the software from the Microsoft site. Downloaded, Installed and licenced with no issues. Much cheaper than O365 as it will be supported for at least Oct 2026 fully with patch support for longer, basically £5 per year, cheaper than a supermarket pizza and includes Access and Publisher. Excellent value.
Rajinder –
Followed instructions provided, which are very clear. This will result in a straight forward installation.
Philip S. –
Works fine so far!
SandraL –
Key arrived by post but unfortunately when I tried to use it I got a message saying it had been used too many times. I contacted the seller and quickly received an email with a new key which worked perfectly.
J.v.fletcher –
When I brought this I did wonder if I would be able to install it. It was straight forward no problems whatsoever.
Anon –
Item arrived when expected and the instructions were clear and easy to follow. Worked with no issues, a much cheaper alternative to what Microsoft are charging to rent Office 365.
Rastus Mctavish –
Download took a while but was straightforward. The programmes worked well for 5 weeks and then Microsoft disabled it. Buy cheap …. buy twice, so don’t buy this version.
robert c walker –
P. M. Jones –
Easy to install and a great product. Details came by Royal Mail where an electronic communication would have been better and quicker, but that’s only a comment.
Installed without any problems
Dom –
Ordered Office 2021 and a few days later I received a letter in the post with the download link and activation code.Installed it and works, however feels like this software was intended for a company and hence the low price. At one point I even saw a message when trying to change a setting that said “Your company policy doesn’t allow you to change this setting” a bit weird but works and its a cheap way of getting Office.
2 people found this helpful
Alex.G –
This is the printer for me
Mr. N. Charlton –
Ticked all the boxes
Newarth ?? –
Was a bit sceptical if it would work due to the excellent value for money and newness of the software. I needn’t have worried, link and code messaged in a matter of hours, installed and working in the space of 10 mins. Couldn’t be simpler to install. 100% can recommend.
Miroslav L. –
Good price
October 2022I received the product key by post. Downloaded the software and installed very easily. Incredible value for money.
Mrs R Allen –
I had difficulties in downloading the software. Then the Licence Key was rejected, so I uninstalled the programme (it was over 4Gb). I contacted the seller and they helpfully supplied an alternative key, but then once downloaded again, the programme would not install, stating it required 490Kb storage space to install (despite the fact there was 1.5Gb still available). After several attempts I just gave up. Very disappointed.
Mr. F. Y. Cheung –
I received the download link and liscence key straight after the purchase. The process of download and installation were extremely easy. Highly recommended.
Naima T. –
I received the key details through post. Instructions were easy to follow took less than an hour for the complete process and very happy with the purchase. Highly recommended.
MisterMikeUK –
This worked well for me. I received the key and instructions by post after a couple of days. I uninstalled old Office and downloaded the new version from the link given in the instructions. When I first tried to install, it said old versions of Office are still present, so in the end I had to use Microsoft Office removal tool from MS support pages, which cleared all remnants of the different Offices I have had. Once that was done the Office Pro Plus 2021 installed super quick and even had my email accounts set up in Outlook. Nothing appears to be lost and all Office products work fine. My work Office 365 on a separate business account was unaffected by any of this. Great value and not tied to a MS subscription for evermore!
One person found this helpful
Kieran –
I had issues with installing as I’m not very good with computers, but their customer support was very helpful and got me sorted in the end. And this is also one of th3 cheapest places you’ll find a key ?
aspire_r3 –
Legitimate product, key works, was sent by mail, I was expecting an email, but I received a letter with the key and instructions. The instructions tell you to download the program and uninstall any existing versions of Office before installing. I couldn’t get it to install, it kept failing, so I didn’t even get the chance to put in the key. After 5 days of hunting for info in forums and even reinstalling windows I decided to install another version of Office 365 and then use the Key for Office Professional 2021. The program told me the key was for another product and asked if I wanted to install that one instead. It finished in 5 minutes and now I have a fully functioning office again.
2 people found this helpful
Melvyn Joseph Muff –
Mainly my home PC
Kindle Customer –
Easy to install
Mr. M. J. Stone –
I bought this with concerns that it was not genuine or that I would not have the technical know how to use it. However the instructions were easy to follow and I managed to uninstall my old microsoft office, install the 2021 version and using the code I bought activate all the office suite, including excel, word and outlook. Only slight hiccup was I tried loading the 64 bit version but a message mentioned I had something that was 32 bit….yes, I have no idea what it meant but I selected other option on the screen, the 32 bit version and it worked. All my files and emails from my old account were still available and work. So glad I did not pay out an extra £100 plus for discs as not needed.
One person found this helpful
yaccoff –
A bit dubious about this, but decided given the price to go ahead. Download official MS Office 2021 from web site, install and use the 25 char license key from them to activate. Job done.
John –
Not sure why instructions (download details and activation code) couldn’t be emailed for faster delivery rather than posting me a sheet of A4, but worked perfectly. Found is easier to rename the .img file to a .iso file to get Windows to “mount” it, but that is minor. Contains all SW as described
greenheart –
I rely on Microsoft Office but can’t afford to be subscribing to Office 365. This was a good compromise for two computers that won’t be supported when Window 10 becomes obsolete i.e. not necessarily getting security updates so probably not being used online. The product was easy to install and activate, prompt delivery and accurate instructions. Thanks.
Richard C –
Registered with Microsoft without issue updates available. The cheapest Office Package I’ve ever bought. Fantastic.
IanP –
I’d been working with an Office 97 (on my XP) and a 2010 version on my Windows 10 pc so I thought it was time for an upgrade. I should have done this ages ago!
R L Breslin –
Software works as intended at a bargain price.However as a heads up to those with an expired MS Office. If you can’t redeem code via the link provided, try loading up Word and you might be prompted to redeem code.I had issues, but this worked for me.
3 people found this helpful
Louise Ward –
Great value for money, easy to install, no issues Highley recommend
One person found this helpful
bunk1970 –
This is a fantastic price, the only downside is it took over a week to be delivered. Hence the 3 stars.
Uussuuaarriioo –
The code is given within 2 hours and works perfectly, the instructions are clear.I have been thinking the two hours till it arrived if i have been scammed, and as i can see, im not.5 stars well given
Richard Blasdale –
Bought for new PC . Have used Microsoft Office since it was first released.Amazon tracking says product not delivered but I received a download code to install the software remotely so not sure what is missing from my order?
Castaway –
I knew it would not be an expensive mistake at this price if it went pear shaped, but as per other reviews for once, I carefully read the instructions BEFORE installing! Uninstalling previous versions is essential, before starting. The download was laborious as my internet is so slow but once downloaded it installed quickly and easily. I am now having a nightmare setting up Outlook but that’s a Microsoft issue not the product or seller. I guess I will fathom it sooner or later!
2 people found this helpful
Ads –
Recommend using this
Claudia Bridge – Parkin –
Do not bother with buying this, it’s a scam and the key didn’t work
13 people found this helpful
Roy N Rennie –
Excellent value for great product
RJW7034 –
The product is just what I need, as I do a lot of spreadsheets and Word documents. I resent Microsoft’s rip-off prices, so this item was at a reasonable price. I would have preferrred being able to download only the bits I am going to use.
Mark C –
Extremely easy to install. Full MS Office software product.Very pleased with purchase. Saved a fortune vs list price.
ZG –
Very happy with my purchase.Really simple to set up – I am not tech savvy and found the instructions simple to follow and was all installed within 10 minutes – brilliant!
C G –
Bought a new laptop and found it loaded with Windows 11 S mode and did not want to change.Problem one, this operating system encourages Office 365. Not into renewal membership.Problem two, Windows 11 S mode all installs via Microsoft Store using apps.Problem three, signing in and getting link easy but could not install via store. But did mange to download file and install.After this product activation was effortless.ANDWhen I log into Microsoft store the product is shown on the account page.However I am not sure weather you would be able to reactivate if you had to undertake a clean install after hdd failed or how product will fair in a few months is a message going to pop up asking for a new key.But at this price who cares if you get 12 months out of the product just buy it again as its less than a 12 month subscription to Office 365. Note for all, seller shipped same day and received the day after ordering.
8 people found this helpful
AJs –
I bought this in preference to the 365 on an annual licence – easy to install (simpler in reality to the instructions) and functional perfect for my simple needs for home office / accounts
One person found this helpful
Lee Greenwood –
Slight delay in receiving due to all the postal strikes but otherwise a great product and a very helpful and specific step by step guide on how to download the software and use the purchased license key. I would definitely recommend and in fact will be buying another for my family PC as well
One person found this helpful
Mike G. –
Difficult to install but seller very helpful.
Tony Diamond –
Received key and download/install instructions by post as advised. All worked with no issues.
R E E M T S –
Fast delivery – and most important – Working !.I recommend.
dinil wijewardana –
After receiving all the details, setting up office was very quick and simple.
John Tainton –
Great product been using it for years
birendra shrestha –
For some reason i was unable to install perhaps to do with my OS but the seller was very helpful and spent quite some time to fix the issue and was able give full refund. Also installed 2019 office for free. Very good customer service.
jack roddy –
Really good seller great instructions you really can’t go wrong with this!
Djthaijay –
Even though it all works and was fast to arrive, only issue i had was being sent the link to get the file via letter was really a bad thing, as you have to type it in, where being emailed this would make it easier. Customer service was quick to help with this, and sorted quickly. Overall very happy.
2 people found this helpful
Philip Jones –
License key and download instructions arrived by post. Quick link given for download from microsoft. Very easy.I had a query and my email was quickly answered and resolved. Excellent service.
murray970 –
Downloaded using the supplied URL to my new windows pc, faultless:Located the download, input product key, bingo : faultless . Fully functional Great Value
A –
Bought to replace 2013 version. Great update and works well from install to use. Have bought this type of licence in the past and is a great way to have MS products
Simon Uglow –
I was slightly sceptical about this, but there were reviews on here saying it is all legit…so bit the bullet…my instructions arrived by letter. Easy to follow steps which were perfectly documented….Office all installed and it says I will get updates. Excellent!
Jerseysaint –
I have a new Lenovo IdeaPad , Windows 11 and I decided to upgrade from Office 2016 to 2021.The License Key and instructions were sent by post. The instructions on the sheet are clear and easy to follow. I carefully did that and was up and running in10 minutes.I would recommend buying from Robit. I would use them again if needed.Many thanks
One person found this helpful
Taz –
I was sceptical as usual, but you get a lot for your money with this though. It’s exactly as sold. Very very happy. Now my new Alienware has the best of Office. Thank you very much.Taz.
Darren smith –
I was a bit sceptical about the purchase at such a low price but was glad I took a punt brilliant easy to install and worth every penny many thanks
This is definitely great value for money! Comes with easy installation instructions. Works a treat!
2 people found this helpful
D-Man –
Having ordered this, I received a single sheet of paper in the mail, with the license key and the downloadable URL.The instructions included an online URL to video instructions, which was mainly for windows 10 but not too dissimilar for windows 11.Minor hiccup with one part of the instructions, where you needed to “mount” the file, that option was not there when i “right-clicked” the file in question. However, a quick internet search and the solution was easy. The rest was like clockwork and you can’t complain about getting the main MS products for £20 odd quid. Well pleased. For the number of times I use spreadsheets and word on a personal basis, the subscription model was not justifiable. This was the perfect solution and will last me for years to come.
Kieran –
I had issues with installing as I’m not very good with computers, but their customer support was very helpful and got me sorted in the end. And this is also one of th3 cheapest places you’ll find a key ????
Acrucefix –
would buy from again
IanP –
I’d been working with an Office 97 (on my XP) and a 2010 version on my Windows 10 pc so I thought it was time for an upgrade. I should have done this ages ago!
fkran –
Thank you, great value, but was sent by post!
One person found this helpful
Frodo –
Followed the instructions, installed In use at a fraction of the cost. Even if it lasts one year its good value.
One person found this helpful
S. M. –
Can only base review on seller 7ten. Product key was emailed within an hour. Download and installation was straightforward.
MM –
License received within a couple of days, easy to install and activate.
One person found this helpful
Barry –
Exactly as described, great value. Unfortunately due to the Royal Mail strikes it didn’t arrive on time. I contacted the seller and they replied really quickly with a solution that worked. My daughter has downloaded it to her desktop and it works perfectly.
Dennis Acourt –
I don’t usually write reviews….and I am certainly not a great techy person, but this worked fine, I followed the instructions, uninstalled the 365 version I had and downloaded it and installed it….the first attempt at the install….just stalled! So after 30 mins I restarted my PC and did it again….this time it worked fine…don’t forget to put in the dashes when you put in the product code….0000-0000-0000-0000
2 people found this helpful
Savva –
Came in a secure package. Just needed to type the long number in and windows setup quite quickly. Everything seems to be working. I can’t say how good their tech support is as not used it.
J. Sewell –
Very simple to install (especially true if you’ve previous experience of MS products) and great value for money.
J.F.Devine –
Easy to install and worked first time. Used it for a while now and had no problems whatsoever. Highly recommended at an amazing price.
tc –
As an absolute novice – end user only, I decided to go to 7ten for the 2019 version rather than pay a huge amount for the latest version. I diligently followed the instructions and it all happened!!!The instructions on Amazon Messages were precise and 7ten also sent a postal copy received this morning. Just an observation but It was good to receive a clear, handwritten envelope from a human rather than an automatically generated receipt. Obviously, this company recognises that they have customers rather than just numbers.If I can do it I think anyone else could do it.With best wishes to allTerry C.
5 people found this helpful
Computer Mark –
As the licence key doesn’t work best buy elsewhere, dont spend your cash on this product
Ms. Alexandra Wilson –
Excellent product. Immediate despatch. Easy peasy installation. Bargain!
One person found this helpful
Robert Green –
Email link arrived very quickly, downloaded, installed and activated within an hour. Happy I chose this seller.
Mac –
Was sceptical as to whether this would work, but pleasantly surprised, installed and works as described.
Sunil Thakker –
an excellent product
aliwat –
Only slight issue is not all actions on some applications greyed out.
Paul Gabriel –
Install took some time, but worked fine.
J F Verbist –
Excellent purchase for standalone office installation
D M Lucy –
Was a bit unsure if this was genuine. But it is. Received a private message from the seller within 24 hours of purchase. They provided a download link for the software and basic instructions including the activation key. Large download took less than 30 minutes for me to download and then had to mount the .img file (right click on the file and select mount). It opened a new file explorer with the folder containing the setup.exe which I ran with administration permissions. Everything then installed and I started MS Word. At which point it asked for the activation key. All done.
Vic St. –
Licence key was sent via post (!!).The key would not work on your trial Office 365 suite. You have to follow the instructions in the letter. But it works and seems like a genuine copy of Office 2021!I don’t know how the seller can get such cheap prices for Office but it does work!
David –
Very Good for the price
October 2022I received the product key by post. Downloaded the software and installed very easily. Incredible value for money.
C McNamee –
Great product at a great price. Recommended seller.
Chona M –
Excellent. Easily installed on laptop and works well as expected. Good value for money.
Installed without any problems
Amber –
Bought this as a gift for my partner. After some initial teething issues the tech support managed to sort things out and now it works perfectly.
Mrs c –
This worked perfectly, I was emailed a code to use to register everything on my new laptop. Works great, really plsd that there is no on going cost
Raul –
Just follow the link and instructions to install it. Instead of working with suscription, much better this lifetime code, cheap and you have all the programs lifetime. Great value and very easy and quick to do. Recommended.
TerryB –
As expected
a hensley –
The code works, the installation instructions didn’t tie up with the on screen notification, which could flummox a few. But if you have a bit pc knowledge you won’t have a problem.
One person found this helpful
Barbara Schiltmeijer –
Great product at a great price. Highly recommend the software and the seller. Clear instructions that worked perfectly. Very happy, thank you.
I Coppins –
Works straight out of the box. Great full version with everything you need.
Jambo –
The product is a illegal key and works for a few months then Microsoft stop program workingScam
One person found this helpful
Mrs Diane J Maggs –
I ordered this in the afternoon and received an email that evening with a link to download the Office suite, and a product key to activate.It took about 20 minutes to download, about ten minutes to install, and less than two minutes to activate.All very easy with clear instructions. I had no problems, and I was able to use Word straight away.
C McNamee –
Great product at a great price. Recommended seller.
Powderpuff –
Easy to order, instant download, installed with no problems, working brilliantly. Such a bargain replaced my old Office 2003 version on my new PC.
Likeable –
Was a bit apprehensive about buying, but went ahead and within an hour received the link and code, very easy to install and activated without a problem, the seller is very quick to assist if you are toiling don’t hesitate it’s worth every penny.
fkran –
Like the seller response and delivery product works exactly as the original, was sceptical at first and worried about download but all seems great 5* rating would buy again
Graham Mitchell –
Nothing to dislike Great value for money and for a top product.Just follow the instruction given and the whole process is quick and painless.Would buy again.
Orroroo –
What you actually get is the licence key and instructions on how to download the software.Provided you follow the instructions to the letter, which I did, it should work fine.I already had MS Office 2016 installed so removed it completely FIRST using Microsoft’s own software removal tool. It says its for 365 but works on everything.
One person found this helpful
Brian Calcott –
I didn’t want a subscription, I just wanted MS office to keep and I took a gamble on this product and I kid you not this is the real thing and fantastic value.
Duncan Thorpe –
I can’t comment on it too much as it’s only been loaded up about three days so still finding my way around it and understanding the different locations of programs etc to my old computer . All I can say is that it seems to be working just fine . The Bessie instructions that came looked fairly decent, but I got an IT guy to load this new software onto my new laptop. He had to delete pre set programs off it first though, and it took half a day to carry out this task. I am glad he did this for me as I am sure ot would have taken me a lot longer as I am no tech wizard.
One person found this helpful
Eva –
The details and instructions arrived promptly and install went well. It’s excellent value compared with 365
SandraL –
Key arrived by post but unfortunately when I tried to use it I got a message saying it had been used too many times. I contacted the seller and quickly received an email with a new key which worked perfectly.
IK –
Sometimes the reviews can be deciving. I honestly had doubt about getting this microsoft 365 based on the reviews. But I needed one asap. Bought one in the morning and within hours I had the link emailed to me. Within 10 minutes everything was set up. So so easy. It’s very basic though. But its worth the cost. Would highly recommend
N. El-Jneinati –
Purchased this and received the activation code with instructions to download and use on the same day. Instructions were very helpful and straightforward.Would definitely recommend.
robert c walker –
JohnBristol –
Given the now absurd cost of Microsoft Office I was, not surprisingly, a bit sceptical of a download and install for just £22.00. I bought 2 for two different PC’s. After a few days a single sheet of paper arrives by Royal Mail “signed for” delivery with relatively sparse instructions, a link to a download site that that has a genuine Microsoft download code but most firewalls will flag up as “unknown” or “unreliable” and the Authentication 25 digit Code.All I can say is that provided you are careful with the installation – particularly making sure you have removed every trace of any previous Office components before staring – they both worked without any problem, the full Office Suite is there together with any previous Docs/Sheets/Presentation etc. and there were no apparent residual “nasties”.Good to have someone giving the two fingers to Microsoft at reasonable cost. Would have been 5 stars but for sparse Instructions and the problem of having be in to sign for a single sheet of A4 paper!
One person found this helpful
M&G –
In 2 days I got the installation link + Activation code via email.Downloaded and installed the file, then prompted me to enter activation key, and that’s it.Very pleased. All working fine, and says that Office is now Activated.
One person found this helpful
Scott-ish –
Perfect. Value for money office. Bought and activated fine. Code sent fast by message. This is what office should cost everywhere.
Matt Addley –
Superb product. Why pay more than you should. I would have expected an email with the code rather than a postal delivery. If anything to safe postage, ink & paper.Kudos for a superb hassle free activation. Will use again.
GrahamA –
I purchased this from 7ten and this review relates to that seller. Install instructions arrived by email within 1 hour of purchase and written instructions arrived next day by post.I followed the instructions and the product installed with no issues. The product key worked without a hitch. I’m very pleased with my purchase.
One person found this helpful
M&GM&G –
In 2 days I got the installation link + Activation code via email.Downloaded and installed the file, then prompted me to enter activation key, and that’s it.Very pleased. All working fine, and says that Office is now Activated.
2 people found this helpful
Kmberly –
Got the code instantly. Installed and it works great. It is a shame it makes you have a Microsoft account though. Missed the old days when you just instal it on the computer.
Nick –
Arrived with in minutes as a download code. After a little issue which I have to say the Customer Service from 7Ten is incredible. It does just what you want easy to follow instructions quick download and registration. up and running in no time
2 people found this helpful
Cavan –
Great value works like a bream
colster58 –
Office 2021 Pro Plus. This was easy to install, just follow the instructions properly. Works a treat.
RT –
The code is sent in a letter via Royal Mail which is the only part that I didn’t understand when it’s easier to share the product online. With the Royal Mail issues, the letter didn’t arrive on time so I contacted the seller and I received prompt and helpful response as well as a pdf version of the product that was much easier to use given the link included. Installation was straightforward and all works very well, I’m very happy with my purchase.
One person found this helpful
Matt Addley –
Superb product. Why pay more than you should. I would have expected an email with the code rather than a postal delivery. If anything to safe postage, ink & paper.Kudos for a superb hassle free activation. Will use again.
Mehmet Bolat –
Extremely recommended
Adam –
First I was doubt, but no problem with, do recommend.
Kindle Customer –
Once downloaded, 4G file, checked the 64 bit version and it installed. Accessing for first time is when I entered the product key. No issues at all. Well pleased as I was on a tight budget.
Sandie –
Easy to install. Works well.
Miroslav L. –
Good price
Gylan Underhill –
My girlfriend tried installing on her laptop would let her remove the current version of windows office 365. Not that that was much of an issue as this software still downloaded it just wasn’t clear where it had gone as my girlfriends laptop is windows 11 and she is used to windows 10 and I’m mainly a Mac user, I found it in the end in the start up menu. I am really happy with the product as is my girlfriend it’s a great price and helps her out with her course work for collage.
A –
Very pleased.Easy install.Fully operational.
Mr T A M O’Malley –
Letter arrived sooner than expected. Directions easy to understand and Office 2021 installed quickly and code accepted so now up and running. Good Work!
Luke –
Very easy to install and easy to communicate with seller. 5 star.
warran helps –
Had my doubts because of the price but it works perfectly . Click on the small link to start the download and put in your code . So easy
Damon K. J. Mitchell –
Want to avoid an overpriced subscription model – this is one time only, cheaper and easy to install with instructions and code provided. All working fine a few weeks after installing.
One person found this helpful
Gary Price –
Once you purchase this you will receive a letter through the post containing a download link, installation instructions and activation product key. Once you have downloaded the ISO image (4.2GB) using the provided link, you should be able to install. However, the new Smart App Control in Windows 11 blocked the install as it was deemed not safe. I found an alternative Microsoft Office ProPlus2021Retail ISO image CDN download and that installed OK and activated successfully using the provided product key.
Andy –
This is a legal install that is way cheaper than most other office suites, and works brilliantly, my only concern is what happens when my laptop packs up? Not sure how I might reinstall on a new laptop??
Neil Mogford –
I ordered this for an upgrade from Office 2019 to 2021. Removed Office 2019 and rebooted as instructed but I had issues activating the software initially as it accepted the license key but then came up invalid when I tried to activate it. Contacted UK based support and they responded at 0200hrs on a Saturday morning, talk about customer service! They provided another key but despite Office 2021 showing as installed from the command line, license accepted from the command line and showing as installed from the Control Panel, apps still showing Office 2019. Typical Microsoft….so wiped PC, reinstalled Windows and Office 2021 and came up licensed and apps showing as Office 2021 so all good now. These are genuine licenses and support were second to none in there response, I’ve had several email responses within an hour of sending them on a Saturday too. Will definitely use them again.
4 people found this helpful
Mr. Shahid Ravjani –
Value for money and delivered earlier than expected. Easy to install, just follow the instructions which comes with the product key. Would highly recommend.
One person found this helpful
alan –
Excellent product and very helpful seller
Olanrewaju –
The product arrived via royal mail as scheduled. It had a one-page guide where I downloaded the software (from office CDN) and activated it successfully.
Orrcle –
Best value download available. One minor criticism is that the download info was sent by Royal Mail and was hit by the mail strikes. I would have thought an email would have been cheaper and quicker. However, that does not detract from a well deserved 5*.
Renée Bishop –
Easy to install
Cazzy2501 –
Really pleased: I now have a fully functional, one-off-payment copy of MS Office Pro 2021 on my machine. Easy to follow instructions, and quick to download / install / activate.
Marcin S –
Totally impressed with the level of service here, everything works great, and all instructions were included in the package, which arrived next day,well ahead of scheduled delivery. Thank you
Kindle Customer –
Easy to install
Garge –
Prompt delivery, easy download and install with concise instructions.. Rgistration key accepted and activated, updates downloaded – all good.
One person found this helpful
Ricky –
This purchase is supposed to be for a lifetime licence. Yet during installation I got a message that it would disable after a month. However, following the reboot there is nothing in my account to show that the licence is neither limited nor unlimited. If the licence turns out to be limited then zero stars and not worth the money. If the licence turns out to be unlimited for lifetime use then ten stars and better than all expectations.
3 people found this helpful
N. Sanderson –
New laptop running Windows 10/11 and we thought we should upgrade from Office 2010 as a) the new computer doesn’t have a disc drive and b) you can’t download the installer from Microsoft any more.Followed the instructions which were sent by post (how quaint!) and the download started immediately and completed quickly. Works fine though still can’t get rid of the hated Ribbon!
One person found this helpful
Good Value for money
Lazarus –
Works fine. Just Google how to mount the software for installation. Longer term if it lasts a year you have more then you have had your monies worth.
Savva –
Came in a secure package. Just needed to type the long number in and windows setup quite quickly. Everything seems to be working. I can’t say how good their tech support is as not used it.
Gloria Jones –
This is ideal for me. Instructions to install were easy and product not expensive as office 365
Maxwell Power –
Received in less than 24 hours from ordering with full fool proof instructions to register with Microsoft Account and full download and activation instructions – everything perfect. thankyou
One person found this helpful
I don’t use Word and Xcel that much at home so I didn’t see the need to deal with an annual
Subscription. So far so good. It takes about five minutes for it to show up for you to down load and provide you with the key.
Sylvia Armour –
I would suggest that the hyperlink is sent via email to make the installation a little easier
blue fox –
We found this easy to install and great value
Johno –
Very easy to set up
Tara Baker Hill –
Office 2021 Pro Plus. The instructions arrived in the post after a few days, as described in the purchase info. I followed the instructions exactly and all worked well. It installed office with no problems and all looks good.PS: if you wish you can choose the type of download, 32-bit, 64-bit, or even the whole image of the retail DVD. Just check at the point where you are asked to download the software.
4 people found this helpful
Jeff Gladman –
Excellent value for money. Only issue is the link printed for the en-gb version is incorrect, but that can be easily rectified by changing the link. Product activation was flawless and successful so very happy.Communication with seller regarding the incorrect link was quick and friendly.Very satisfied.
Susanne Scheibe –
Genuine product at a great price. Will probably buy another copy for my partner’s PC.
Good Product
Martin OOmph –
The product is installed on my laptop and all seems to be working fine. However, installation was a problem. When I tried to use the license key I’d been sent, I received a message that it had already reached the limit on how many times it could be used. I notified the vendor, who replied very quickly and suggested I use the automated freephone to install. This had the same outcome. I eventually got through to a Microsoft operator who told me that the licence couldn’t be extended to any other machines, but she was going to activate it for me anyway. In conclusion, I have got what I wanted and paid for and it’s very good value for money, but it shouldn’t have needed the goodwill of a Microsoft operator to activate it.
One person found this helpful
Cosmin –
Good choice, very good price, easy to install and works perfectly. ?
Ziff –
The licence code came in the post on the day it was supposed to with very clear instructions on how to download and install. I can’t figure out why it’s so cheap though. I was a little nervous that it won’t be the full MS office and there will be some catch. But everything went smoothly and working properly.
AJs –
I bought this in preference to the 365 on an annual licence – easy to install (simpler in reality to the instructions) and functional perfect for my simple needs for home office / accounts
One person found this helpful
Colin McKenzie –
Arrived within a few days, the instructions to install were relatively easy and it was exactly what it was advertised as i.e. Office 21 Pro plus.
rmcw –
Service – excellentProduct – easy to register with Microsoft and downloadMe – ecstatic
One person found this helpful
Julie charlton –
Received this product today, easy peasy to install, worth every penny, will definitely use again and I would highly recommend.
Darren smith –
I was a bit sceptical about the purchase at such a low price but was glad I took a punt brilliant easy to install and worth every penny many thanks
Mark C –
Extremely easy to install. Full MS Office software product.Very pleased with purchase. Saved a fortune vs list price.
Josephtony87 –
All good!
Mrs J P Furmage –
So glad I brought this as I just wanted to be able to use word exel great for what I needed and no paying through the nose for a expensive software. As long as you follow the instructions you cannot go wrong. Would definitely recommend this as really pleased with my purchase
sijojose –
Not easy to install
Yorkie –
Very pleased. You need to delete any existing MS office software on your computer and follow the instructions closely. I had no issues installing and it works as expected.
One person found this helpful
Andy –
I received the code by post very quickly. Downloaded and installed without issues
richard brayshaw –
Excellent product and communication from seller
Code messaged to me through Degitore immediately with instructions. The one i bought was a Office 21 lifetime install which i would imagine was originally intended for educational use. The only issue I had, was that when I tried to run the downloaded software it tried to install office 2019 instead, wouldnt accept the code and would only let me use the limited (unlicensed) version. I needed to delete the 2019 drivers. All now works well – the seller answered questions quickly and was very helpful.
jack roddy –
Really good seller great instructions you really can’t go wrong with this!
Marc –
I bought this product to install Office on a new laptop with Windows 11. Received the letter by post quicker than promised. The instructions are very clear. I used the short URL and the download worked fine. However, when prompted to click on “mount”, I did not have this option on the menu. I paused the installation, contacted the company late in the evening and got a very clear response the next morning with some instructions which worked perfectly well (see below). I finished the installation with no further issue and the product works fine. Impressed with the service. Thank you.Response to my query on missing “mount” option (may be useful to somebody else):To restore the missing mount option in Windows 11 context menu, do the following:Step 1. Right-click the ISO file and select the Properties to open the “Properties” dialog box.Step 2. In the Properties window that opens, select the General tab and then click the Change button beside the “Open with” option.Step 3. When Windows prompts how do you want to open .ISO files from now on, select the Windows Explorer option and then click OK. If you don’t’ find the “Windows Explorer,” then click the “More apps” link to find it.Step 4. When you’re’ done, click the Apply and then OK button to save the changes.Next time, when you double click on an ISO file, it will automatically mount on a virtual optical drive. Also, when you do a right-click on the ISO file, it will show the Mount option on the context menu.
4 people found this helpful
Hayanti –
delighted with this. the instructions from the seller were spot on, everything worked as expected and superfast
HK –
Easy to use, clear instructions and great value for money. 5*
S. Duck –
I understand why the key is sent by post rather than email which can be insecure but it would have been nice to be able to install immediately after purchase. Apart from the wait for the key, I am very happy with the product.
One person found this helpful
Tragenmmxi –
This product is reasonably priced and works really well so far. Very pleased with it.
Daniel John –
Like many of you, I was dubious buying this considering the price, and, like many of you, I checked the reviews first to make sure it was legit. Now it’s my turn to leave a review to reassure others.You get a piece of paper in the post with clear, easy to follow instructions and a product code. I did as the instructions said and was delighted to find the code worked, it all installed perfectly and the code gave me everything I needed. Perfect.Just FYI, you are required to download a 4gb file, which can take some time if your internet speed is a little slow, but once this is downloaded, you get everything you need from this. Thanks very much!
8 people found this helpful
Snoopy48 –
I had previously installed Office Professional Plus 2016 under a similar on line deal and since my PC has just been taken back to factory settings, I decided to upgrade the version, hence this purchase. I have to say although the supplied instructions were reasonably thorough, I was at first unable to install the downloaded programme. This was because the described ‘steps’ bore major differences to what I was seeing on my screen ( i.e. there was no ‘MOUNT’ instruction ) and only by my own resourcefulness was I able to get the installation to proceed. Funny enough, Word became installed as a 2016 version until I upgraded using the on-screen invitations. But agreed everything is there as described now. Of course the price is super cheap and I note that this version does not appear in my MS account of installed programs, which the 2016 version still remains if all else fails. I therefore have reservations that if my PC failed in any way, I would not be successful in getting the programme back. But for now, I have a full working programme and that’s good. One observation for the seller though, he sends the instruction letter including the licence key by first class post. It would have been great if a copy of that could have been sent by email and then I could have copied and pasted all the relevant lines of text to install and activate. I got round this by scanning the letter and saving as a ‘discoverable’ PDF which I was successful in using in this way.
10 people found this helpful
K Starr –
Arrived promptly and really easy to install with the enclosed key. Great service and a quality Microsoft product at a brilliant price.
Misty –
After reading all the reviews, I bought this program in good faith for my new Windows 11 laptop. I was skeptical at first as I’d had bad experiences buying Office off the internet, but I was extremely pleased with how easy it was to download and install it so much so that I bought another package for my daughter’s laptop. The product Key arrived promptly within the hour via the Amazon Secure Messaging Service. What can I say except excellent service and wonderful product. Thank you!
jimmyd –
Great comms from the seller, all downloaded and set up with no issues. Would definitely buy again
P Lee –
Prompt delivery. Installation instruction is included and easy to instal.
P. Atkin –
Code and instructions arrived promptly. I did have an issue with the activation and contacted the seller who resolved the issue very quickly. Brilliant.
wayne whiteheadwayne whitehead –
All activated and genuine as described. Bargain at the price.Many thanks
Paul Hulley –
Came within a couple of days, easy install and works great for both of the users on my pc
FtK –
It was not indicated on the Amazon web page whether this software was downloadable or would arrive by post as a USB stick or CD. This is also not clarified in the confirmation e-mail from Amazon Market Place, which arrived after the order was placed. However, within 6hrs an e-mail with the activation key and a link to download the software arrived from TrueRevolution via Amazon marketplace. The software was downloadable as the application ISO image: All worked fine and was easy to install on a Windows 11 machine after mounting the image. This can be achieved by right-clicking on the ISO file in Windows 11.
4 people found this helpful
Stephen –
The MS Office 2021 Pro plus product key and a link to the MS Office set up page arrived within hours, via the secure Amazon Message Centre. Very pleased with both the product and the service provided. MS Office 2021 Pro Plus now downloaded, installed and up and running.
D M Lucy –
Was a bit unsure if this was genuine. But it is. Received a private message from the seller within 24 hours of purchase. They provided a download link for the software and basic instructions including the activation key. Large download took less than 30 minutes for me to download and then had to mount the .img file (right click on the file and select mount). It opened a new file explorer with the folder containing the setup.exe which I ran with administration permissions. Everything then installed and I started MS Word. At which point it asked for the activation key. All done.
2 people found this helpful
Rich37 –
Delivered by Royal Mail. Included comprehensive installation instructions. First product key didn’t work but great customer service quickly sorted. Would buy from seller again.
Peterm –
The bit.ly link was not working so one had to type a very long https string in correctly. After that the file downloaded and installed correctly.Exactly what i needed at a sensible price.
Jane –
Delivers exactly what it says it will deliver. Exceptional customer service too – I have absolutely no complaint and highly recommend this provider
pete –
Like many others, scepticle of this but so far so good! For an occasional user, Microsoft’s subscription is so overpriced so this is a terrific alternative.
I found instructions hard to follow and suggested short cuts did not work for me but once I found the place to download the programme the activation key worked fine. Extremely pleased
One person found this helpful
Mrs C. –
The product was just as good as I hoped. Due to my not being tech savvy I needed the sellers support and I can only say how brilliant the support was.
David Holmes –
Quality you expect from Microsoft
mjcairney –
When I first saw this on sale at circa £24 my first thought was that this was a scam. However, I then read reviews and, whilst they were all really full of praise, I couldn’t help but wonder if they were all fake. Giving more thought to it, knowing that Amazon are, in my experience anyway, very good at sorting out problems, I decided to go ahead and order. I was advised almost by return that I would receive my order on Tuesday. Sure enough, it did arrive on Tuesday via “Signed for 1st Class Letter”. I just followed the enclosed instructions without any problems and I now have it installed and working perfectly. If you are contemplating purchasing this and have the same thoughts and doubts as I had, worry not, just go ahead and order, you will not be disappointed.
9 people found this helpful
An-air-aidh –
Finding the correct or the link to 2021 could be easier their way was not helpful I searched and got the link from a third party
Mister H –
Very competent seller. Letter arrived swiftly. Full, easy to follow instructions.Quick and trouble free install.Offers excellent value for money.Recommended.
Good Value for money
mornise Thevalackattu Mathew –
Amazing . The download link and activation key send by the next day of booking . i have download the same and installed . its working well
Shabaz Malik –
Product as described
G W Tame –
Product key is sent via Royal Mail. However, due to postal strike I requested if this could be emailed to me. Very quick response from seller and received within half an hour. Easy to follow instructions included. Installed with no problems. Very pleased with service provided. Would recommend.
JP –
For those wanting latest non-subscription version of Office this is a bargain!Instructions are simple and had no issues installing.
One person found this helpful
Peg 501 –
This Microsoft product is excellent value for money with a lifetime licence. The instructions were easy to follow even for a novice like myself. I would have no hesitation in recommending this product and seller.
Mr. M. J. Stone –
I bought this with concerns that it was not genuine or that I would not have the technical know how to use it. However the instructions were easy to follow and I managed to uninstall my old microsoft office, install the 2021 version and using the code I bought activate all the office suite, including excel, word and outlook. Only slight hiccup was I tried loading the 64 bit version but a message mentioned I had something that was 32 bit….yes, I have no idea what it meant but I selected other option on the screen, the 32 bit version and it worked. All my files and emails from my old account were still available and work. So glad I did not pay out an extra £100 plus for discs as not needed.
One person found this helpful
This is a great dealDocumentation very clear and easy to follow with support information in case of needOffice fully activated straightawayWould prefer email response from seller as an option since postal strikes affecting mail and needed signature on delivery
Fabio Tonelli Mareuse –
I didn’t receive the product by post. The seller sent me a message with the link to download and the product key. Working fine.
One person found this helpful
alex –
Initially I believed the download link and key would arrive in the post. I waited and nothing popped through the the letter box. After 10 days I re-checked my email and saw a link from the vendor with a key and download key. The key and link was sent within hours of my purchase but I missed it. I downloaded, installed and entered the key. It was successful. I scanned for viruses – nothing was found and my paid for virus software gave office 2021 a clean bill of health. Incredible value but it works with no viruses. I don’t know why people have given this vendor poor reviews, I for one am really happy with my purchase.
3 people found this helpful
Yao –
It works well.
Silvia –
We received all in time but, unfortunately, the code didn’t work. I emailed the vendor and he provided a new code. Everything has been installed correctly. Very good customer service!
M. Griffin –
Follow the instructions to the letter and it will work fine. It took a few hours to download, but for the price, it’s worth the wait.
One person found this helpful
Mr B Midgley –
Easy to install excellent value for money
Paul –
MMI Shop supplied the Product and helpfully sent the activation code in advance of my receiving the letter: This unfortunately resulted in a lot of time and effort to try and install the programme as unfortunately the wrong activation code was inadvertently E-mailed. The letter arrived very late but the activation code it contained was accepted immediately. MMI shop were very helpful and quick to respond to my queries with suggestions on how to resolve the issue; those suggestions did not of course work but if it hadn’t been for the mix up with the code it would have been a very simple process to install the programme. Overall MMI showed they have good customer service as a priority.
4 people found this helpful
Gary Price –
Once you purchase this you will receive a letter through the post containing a download link, installation instructions and activation product key. Once you have downloaded the ISO image (4.2GB) using the provided link, you should be able to install. However, the new Smart App Control in Windows 11 blocked the install as it was deemed not safe. I found an alternative Microsoft Office ProPlus2021Retail ISO image CDN download and that installed OK and activated successfully using the provided product key.
Kindle Customer –
good product
David B –
I read all previous reviews, but was still a little skeptical given the price.Item arrived 4 days earlier than estimated and followed the instructions given for install, which were very clear. Purchase up and running with no issues after around 15 minutes, super product and value.
Neo –
To add to the reviews reassuring others that it is legit, mine arrived this afternoon and was up and running within 15 minutes. Followed the instructions, no issues..
Jesse S. –
Excellent service with fast response and great value
Stromtech –
working fine. all good
C.H. –
Very competitive price. Works well and downloaded quickly. Thank you.
tricia G –
Followed the instructions, and I had a functioning version of Microsoft Office on a Windows 11 computer.
Julie –
The license works perfectly
Oliver –
Working as intended.
Ann –
Meets my requirements
Marco –
I had a problem with the installation, but the customer care helped me step by step and we sorted together.Product is working now and I’m very satisfied.
Mona Bakhtiyari –
Very good product .Absolutely happy with serviceHighly recommended
RedLabs –
Slight issue, but quickly resolved. All good and a great price.
qkonsult –
Good product with easy installation guide.
David Alopinad –
I installed this product last week and so far so good, everything works fine.
Julian –
Once I had the code after a few seconds I was able to install office really easily. Took about 1 mins of following instructions
I tried buying this on eBay but that was a scam.By contrast this one really works, it’s not a trial version and it properly activated.
corfiot –
Bought to replace office 2016. First key didn’t work, but was replaced within 4 hours and was installed and activated with no problems.
Mihir Ajit –
Great stuff I bought it for my 12 years old son for his school project. Really happy with it.
Usola –
Licence activation was quick, installation was easy
Worked perfectly
R J Mongęr –
East to install good price
Jacqui Armand –
Originally had problem with license key not being valid. This was resolved very quickly by the seller.
Mr C Lallis –
Easy to follow instructions, which made installation easy. Worked first time without any issues. This is the way software should be
Darryl Greig –
First key didn’t work but suppliers were very responsive and sent a new (working) one immediately.
Nigel Dolan –
I bought this Office 2021 to replace an outdated version. As an infrequent user, I didn’t really want to pay a huge price with Microsoft, so this was exactly what I wanted. Service from the seller is excellent! The link to the download and the product key was sent by email with in an hour of purchase 10 minutes to download and about the same for the apps to load, product key worked straight away. So up and running within half an hour.
One person found this helpful
Tan’n’Brad –
Very helpful and quick in sorting out my problem
Mohammed Quadeer –
I asked to receive my product key through email rather than mail and they emailed me next morning with the relevant information. Very happy 🙂
Barry –
Exactly as described, great value. Unfortunately due to the Royal Mail strikes it didn’t arrive on time. I contacted the seller and they replied really quickly with a solution that worked. My daughter has downloaded it to her desktop and it works perfectly.
J. Sewell –
Very simple to install (especially true if you’ve previous experience of MS products) and great value for money.
Mrs c –
This worked perfectly, I was emailed a code to use to register everything on my new laptop. Works great, really plsd that there is no on going cost
mbobg –
Commendable for the very clear instructions for what can be an intimidating process for the less technical. Great value, codes delivered by email for speed if needed. Recommended.
N. Sanderson –
New laptop running Windows 10/11 and we thought we should upgrade from Office 2010 as a) the new computer doesn’t have a disc drive and b) you can’t download the installer from Microsoft any more.Followed the instructions which were sent by post (how quaint!) and the download started immediately and completed quickly. Works fine though still can’t get rid of the hated Ribbon!
One person found this helpful
LesM –
Easy install. No problems at all and fully licensed. So highly recommended.
yaccoff –
A bit dubious about this, but decided given the price to go ahead. Download official MS Office 2021 from web site, install and use the 25 char license key from them to activate. Job done.
Duncan Thorpe –
I can’t comment on it too much as it’s only been loaded up about three days so still finding my way around it and understanding the different locations of programs etc to my old computer . All I can say is that it seems to be working just fine . The Bessie instructions that came looked fairly decent, but I got an IT guy to load this new software onto my new laptop. He had to delete pre set programs off it first though, and it took half a day to carry out this task. I am glad he did this for me as I am sure ot would have taken me a lot longer as I am no tech wizard.
One person found this helpful
Sarah –
Our Christmas delayed due to sickness in family. Nephew visited me two days ago. He brought laptop with him. Loved surprised look on his face when he opened his gift. He has installed as well. He opens his new business as Cabinet Maker in February. He gave me massive hug. Told me about to buy this himself. He promises first cabinet he make will be for me! Thank you for its fast delivery.
Angiebaba –
I needed excel at home for my study as my company won’t allow learning time anymore. Package was easy to install and register.
Mr Nice Guy –
Wish I’d known about this product sooner. It worked as expected, Word Excel etc. Product key came almost instantly, I just followed the instructions and was up & running in minutes. Will only work on 1 PC but at this price it’s a no brainer.
Paul Gabriel –
Install took some time, but worked fine.
richard b –
Code messaged to me through Amazon immediately with instructions. The one i bought was a Office 21 lifetime install which i would imagine was originally intended for educational use. The only issue I had, was that when I tried to run the downloaded software it tried to install office 2019 instead, wouldnt accept the code and would only let me use the limited (unlicensed) version. I needed to delete the 2019 drivers. All now works well – the seller answered questions quickly and was very helpful.
michele soanes –
Great programme, very pleased with it.
blue fox –
We found this easy to install and great value
Del Hone –
I was looking for a long time and seen this, look at feedback so gave it a go. It arived quick buy post. It’s working. You must take all office word out of your pc or laptop. Then install this by following the instructions. You must follow the instructions very carefully. Download the software then put in the long product key. This is a download off the internet. It’s all working all instead all good. From starting to finish it took 30 min. It’s all installed and all working. I recommend this, it’s definitely worth the money and very safe. This is a great deal.
Mr Fussy –
You look at the price tag and you’re probably suspicious 🙂 No need it’s a legitimate transaction and you do get a proper MS Office as stated, the only pain is you get the license key with the link to download the software through your letterbox on paper and you need to type the very long link in your address bar. Technically you can search google by the first part of the link (like I did) and you’ll get the link results straight away, just make sure to doublecheck you go to the UK link not US (2 letters’ difference in the link), which I didn’t 🙂
One person found this helpful
PC –
Easy straight forward way to purchase MS Office. So many only offer one years subscription so this life time licence for the price is excellent. Key code posted first class and arrived quickly. Instructions are simple to follow although I did have slightly change a couple of steps. All programs working well, just having to get use to the upgraded screen commands from my previous old version. Very pleased with the purchase and especially the reasonable price. Would recommend to anyone wanting basic MS office for home use.
2 people found this helpful
Mr. R. K. Bowden –
I was sent the details in an envelope with the codes but every time I went on line I was sent to states web site not UK I asked for refund which I was given so Happy in the end
Ibagere Sunday Ekemena –
Invalid activation code
Edwin Thurston –
Would not install on my laptop after many times trying
Anto –
Postal strike meant this product was severely delayed.Followed install instructions but license code is invalidIs it a con ?
2 people found this helpful
PK –
I ordered the MS Office 2021 Professional Plus. It has been a complete and total nightmare, cannot activate. I spent some 4 hours with MS Team. Finally, I have been informed that the Licence Key the seller supplied is for Testing purposes, will never able to activate. How can Amazon let the seller to promote this kind of item which is not authorised by the MS?
46 people found this helpful
Roland1949 –
This was a great way for me to economically upgrade my office suite.
Halbot –
If anyone thinks you can buy a full version of office for £20 you are mistaken. There is no guarantee the key will work or that it will continue to work. How Amazon even allow this is beyond me.
13 people found this helpful
Installed without issue and works as it should do. Well pleased with purchase and with seller.
SteveT –
Fantastic value for money but seemed too good to be true!. Downloaded in minutes, installed without any issues. Glitch free authorisation with Microsoft.Would highly recommend this product!!
Mohammed Quadeer –
I asked to receive my product key through email rather than mail and they emailed me next morning with the relevant information. Very happy 🙂
Mister H –
Very competent seller. email arrived immediately. Full, easy to follow instructions.Quick and trouble free install.Offers excellent value for money.Recommended.
Mrs C. –
The product was just as good as I hoped. Due to my not being tech savvy I needed the sellers support and I can only say how brilliant the support was.
Scooby –
Delived securely with signature required. Clear installation instructions. I used the contact number to ask a question and got a prompt reply with no jargon. Would recommend
Miss Mary A Johnstone –
Good supplier I had problems with link but they soon corrected it.
K Starr –
Arrived promptly and really easy to install with the enclosed key. Great service and a quality Microsoft product at a brilliant price.
A. Gill –
I run an IT Consultancy and this service is no-nonsense, took a bit of time to get the license applied (needed to log out of 365) but otherwise brilliant. My customer was delighted.If you have issues contact the seller, they WILL help – promptly.
Annie Howell –
Like many people I was a little sceptical with this product as it was so well priced. But I had no need to worry. It arrived 4 days early, just two days after placing the order. I followed the instructions exactly and it worked perfectly. My only negative is that the instructions could be typed better as some font is light grey and shadowed which is really not needed. That said, all done and working for a fraction of the price
One person found this helpful
Does what it says on the tin. Great value for money, full office suite for single user without needing annual subscription. Had a slight issue with initial installation, but the seller responded to problem immediately and were very helpful. Great product, would recommend.
Michael –
Very happy to help and gives time to fix any issues, the only thing is that its over WhatsApp texts, but seems very good.
Amazing support when had issue with the Key Code. The company rectified the problem next day. Absolutely brilliant after sales care. Would totally recommend anyone to purchase from this company.They are so helpful unlike many other similar suppliers.
dn14_dsc –
Great product, and I found the loading instructions were easy to follow
Mum of one –
Had a nightmare trying to install this – was very envious of all those who did it easily! Tried everything and in the end up, installed windows 11 instead of windows 10 and it sorted the problem. As soon as I was on windows 11, it took around 10 minutes to do. Customer service available via text/email which was useful and they even replied over the holidays. Finally sorted and pleased with the product
One person found this helpful
Mr. G. J. Stevens –
I had a slight issue in the beginning so contacted the seller who got back to me straight away offering support and a solution. Product then worked straight away and continues to work well. Great service
Aiik –
Fit for purpose. Does what it says it will do. Ekwueme!
kevin lambert –
Microsoft rejected the installation key provided, which was both irritating and concerning. I contacted the vendor, who replied immediately with an alternative key which enabled registration of the product. Top marks for customer service.
Miss Mary A Johnstone –
Good supplier I had problems with link but they soon corrected it.
DeeKeeGee –
Delivered by mail and clear instructions, plus downloaded and worked straight away
Malcolm –
The letter with the license key arrived in about 5 seconds of ordering, by email.The instructions work perfectly if you follow them carefully. It’s a big download (4.2gb) but I have fast internet, so only a couple of minutes.Do as the instructions tell you and it installs correctly. Open any program and you are prompted to enter license key. That actives it, then just do any updates and your are all done.
Samuel winter –
I contacted the seller to ask if they could send me the download link & product key via a email. They did, and they did it within 5 seconds of ordering the product. Key works fine, couldn’t be happier with the activations .
Maggie James Fiction –
Download link arrived quickly, the software was easy to install and the value for money is excellent.
Jon S-S –
I bought this for a friend who needs office but didn’t need a family subscription. The price was very competitive so I bought it. I removed the existing Office 365 instance from the laptop and then downloaded using the link provided, installed and activated using the provided key. All very easy and no problems at all.Great value for money, very happy with this product and the speed in which I was able to install.
K L Hogg –
Got the licence key very quickly and worked perfectly.Very happy with customer service
Mr Andrew Robinson –
Got the link though the post – typed in the weblink and downloaded the files – opened and ran the file, then opened one of the applications and typed in the key. Everything worked perfectly .
C Hughes –
Arrived promptly and exactly as described. Needs a little dexterity to install, but accomplished that OK and the software is running perfectly. Very satisfied.
Michael J Staniforth –
A well known product, so not really anything else to say about it.
marie –
I’m not very tech savvy but found it easy to install and activate using the links provided.Had a question regarding the product and I was messaged back by the support team with an answer within 5 mins.Overall very impressed.
PV –
Elite Enterprise Software provides a great service and fast delivery. They have upgraded me to MS Office 2021 Professional Plus – free of charge! Thank you! I’d highly recommend. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Pen Name –
It’s office
D. Coombes –
Very pleased with Microsoft Office 2021. Free upgrade to Office Professional. Easy to install, no yearly subscription. Thank you very much.
Ozzie –
Windows office best software you can buy
Richard G. –
It is exactly as expected. Had install problem, my fault, support fixed it straight away.
Paul Hulleyy –
Came within a couple of seconds, easy install and works great for both of the users on my pc
onlythebest679 –
I just purchased and received my download link quickly. I’m very happy with my purchase and appreciate the great service!
USguy –
I initially faced challenges with my purchase of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019, as the software key didn’t work. However, I reached out for support, and the issue was resolved quickly! I’m now very satisfied with my purchase and appreciate the helpful service!
jodi Fayerman –
I ordered this afternoon a little after 3 PM and received my product quickly. I’m very happy with my purchase and appreciate the great service!
J landman –
I will buy all my Microsoft software needs from Degitore from now on. Everything was well explained and quick! I downloaded my Office product, installed, and activated within a matter of 30 minutes. It was nearly effortless and very well priced.
Roger –
Trust the process! They handled everything professionally. Product is a go!!!!!